Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Potmeter "a" logo identification

I'm trying to identify some 100K logarithmic potmeters I bought years ago, and ideally want the exact same kind.
But I can't identify the brand which is an "a" inside a circle. Can anyone recognize it and shed some more info on the matter?
I believe I purchased them from an electronics firm in the UK (Maplin, Bonex or Rapid perhaps) during the late 80s or early 90s I think.

20170722-151519__MG_0853.jpg 20170722-151535__MG_0855.jpg 20170722-151547__MG_0856.jpg
The 'A' designation usually indicates the 'law' of the potentiometer - in this case A usually means 'linear' (B usually Log).

Whilst this is common practise it's by no means standard practise though and depends on where in the world you are. See below:


  • Pots.png
    9.9 KB · Views: 107
Sorry, I wasn't quite clear about my request. The "a" I'm referring to isn't the "A100K" designation but the logo above it which I hope would reveal the manufacturer.

PS. these are indeed logarithic potmeters (they were purchased from the UK). Thanks for the chart -a handy reference!
Thanks, Arouse1973!
Is this website of the Alpha you're referring to? The logo looks different, but they could have changed it since back then.
Also I couldn't find the specific pot I already have, but again I suppose they could have changed their design. Does anyone recognize this exact pot and know where I can order one from (so it matches the "feel" and design of the other ones on my PCB)?
Thanks, Arouse1973!
Is this website of the Alpha you're referring to? The logo looks different, but they could have changed it since back then.
Also I couldn't find the specific pot I already have, but again I suppose they could have changed their design. Does anyone recognize this exact pot and know where I can order one from (so it matches the "feel" and design of the other ones on my PCB)?
View attachment 35331

Yes that's the same company.
Thanks guys!
I'll keep on looking for the exact pot pictured in the postings above, but will keep the other options suggested in mind if I don't succeed.