Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Possible output drive strength problem when using Micron DDR



I'm having what appears to be an 'output drive strength' problem
with some Micron DDR DRAMs (46V32M16). Specifically, it appears that
the parts either are not able to drive SSTL-2 Class II nets or the
power up behavior of the Micron device does not default to SSTL-2 Class
II as it says in the specification. This behavior seems to be present
when using 'newer' die revisions of the part. The particular board
design uses an Altera Stratix II EP2S60 which in turn uses an Altera
Megacore version 3.2.1 DDR Controller. The board design itself is
SSTL-2 Class II for the DDR signals and has been working in the lab
without problem for approximately 1 year using older die revision
parts. I haven't been able to confirm on the actual board yet
whether or not the Megacore's DDR Controller design performs a write
to the 'Extended Mode Register' to overwrite the power up default
value for the output drive strength or not, but in the simulation model
it appears to write all 0 which is correct and should leave the drive
strength at what is needed for Class II operation.

When I probe DQ0 during a read, the signal only moves between 0.96V and
1.54V with 'newer' die rev parts (Rev C and Rev F) but swings between
-0.21V and 2.5V with an 'older' die rev part. The board design itself
is SSTL-2 Class II and has been working without incident for
approximately the past year. Now I'm testing the newer die revision
parts and it is failing functionally. Poking around all the inputs
doesn't seem to show anything amiss but when I look at the DQ and DQS
pins during a read (i.e. when the Micron DDR is driving) I seem to see
this same 'small' voltage swing.

I'm still trying to validate whether the Altera DDR controller is
walking through the initialization sequence properly on the actual
board but was wondering if anyone else had seen such stuff before.

Any suggestions?
