Okay, I got my serial analyzer now! I ran it on a lane, and tripped some pins to see what the analyzer software got out of it.
Struggled a bit finding a baud rate that gave me some useful info, and I thought since this is equipment with patents from 86 or something, it would be low... At 1200 I got different outputs for each of the pins I tried, and for the combos of these three pins.
Mark: This is the info the machine sends out to the Player Control Station. I take it this would have the same baud rate atleast. If the commands sent are the same... Who knows..
Anyways, I tried No parity, 8 bits, 2 stop bit, 1200 baud rate (and all up to 32k), and it seems like 1200 was the one that sent something I could interpret as usable info for you (and/or a computer).
Knocking over the 1 pin (leaving 2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10): 2C 48 3E (these are on separate lines, so sent separately from the machine, but cba to type it like that, it is already past 12am here now).
Knocking over the 2 pin (leaving 1-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10): 59 48 3E
Knocking over the 3 pin (leaving 1-2-4-5-6-7-8-9-10): 5A 48 3E
Knocking over the 1-2 combo (leaving 3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10): 16 48 3E
Knocking over the 1-3 combo (leaving 2-4-5-6-7-8-9-10): 2D 48 3E
Knocking over the 1-2-3 combo (leaving 4-5-6-7-8-9-10): 0B 48 3E
It also sends some command every 0.5 seconds or so (less than a second, but not sure how often, but can clearly see the RX marker blinking in the analyzer app), didn't write it down at 1200 baud, only at 32k which it started at as default, makes it useless I guess.
I will try a bit tomorrow, especially if you can make any sense out of this. There must be some laymans understandable logic in the values for combos... or so I hope!