Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Pocket EMP device with a disposable camera's flash?


Michael A. Terrell

Jim said:
try reading James P Hogan's stuff.
The Two Faces of Tomorrow,the "Giants" trilogy,Bug Park,Voyage From
Greg Bear is also OK. Darwin's Radio and Darwin's Children are good reads. has three of James P Hogan's books free
from the publisher in your chose of electronic format:

Inherit the Stars
The Multiplex Man
The Two Faces of Tomorrow

I downloaded them a few days ago, but haven't felt up to reading them,
yet. I used to read about five books a week, till my vision got so bad.

When I go to the bookstore all i see are reprints of books i read 20
years ago, or things that aren't really Sci-Fi. The local library
system has almost nothing. The Sci-Fi category is full of witchcraft,
demons, and bad horror stories. The only real Sci-Fi are the older Star
Trek, Star Wars and Battlestar Galactica books. I like the old '60s and
early '70s "Space Opera" series, like Perry Rhodan, and others with some
continuity from book to book.

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida

Boris Mohar

Quite true, I made a point of reading "1984" in 1984 over the Xmas
break. It was not very accurate, but not a bad read nevertheless.

However, it comes closer to describing Britain in 2006 with cameras on
every street corner, a gross loss of privacy, coppers shooting
innocent electricians then walking free, B-liar shouting "global
warming" as a distractor and a mad immigration policy that allows in
thousands of hate-filled religous zealots.

Barry Lennox on train started by students/

I could go on.


Michael said: has three of James P Hogan's books
from the publisher in your chose of electronic format:

Inherit the Stars
The Multiplex Man
The Two Faces of Tomorrow

I downloaded them a few days ago, but haven't felt up to reading
yet. I used to read about five books a week, till my vision got so

Not any more they arnt !

john jardine

Boris Mohar said:

Yesterday, was down the local nick, looking at mugshots of local
(known)chavs. There were 130 to look at. Supplied courtesy of the police
national computer and filtered on items such as age, ethnicity and locality.
Surprised (only a little!) when told they were all within a 2 mile radius of
me. That's one sub group of white, 16 year olds, of a certain height and
weight range. The (local area) 'complete' chav-scum set must be a damned
sight bigger.
Today, I've bought from Ebay, 3 high resolution, I.R illuminated cameras and
a fancy DVR thing. This kit is expensive but I've got to do something about
my rising insurance costs.
Twenty years ago I'd have been foaming at the mouth wrt all the public CCTV
cameras and my loss of civil liberties. Nowadays I'm just not all that sure.
English society is in change.

Michael A. Terrell

Baron said:
Not any more they aren't !

They already had a pay account to download three or four of their
newest books on a month by month basis, as well as the free part of
their library. I would wait a few days and try it again.

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida

Jan Panteltje

Yesterday, was down the local nick, looking at mugshots of local
(known)chavs. There were 130 to look at. Supplied courtesy of the police
national computer and filtered on items such as age, ethnicity and locality.
Surprised (only a little!) when told they were all within a 2 mile radius of
me. That's one sub group of white, 16 year olds, of a certain height and
weight range. The (local area) 'complete' chav-scum set must be a damned
sight bigger.
Today, I've bought from Ebay, 3 high resolution, I.R illuminated cameras and
a fancy DVR thing. This kit is expensive but I've got to do something about
my rising insurance costs.
Twenty years ago I'd have been foaming at the mouth wrt all the public CCTV
cameras and my loss of civil liberties. Nowadays I'm just not all that sure.
English society is in change.

Yep, I have IP cameras, with motion detection, combined with IR sensors running 24/7,
Since the last drug addict drunk 16? year old caused considerable damage.
But it did not cost me that much, PC records, about 1GB / day, erase if nothing happens
in a few days. PC is on as server anyways.
There have been an amazing lot of downloads of this soft :)

Jim Yanik has three of James P Hogan's books
from the publisher in your chose of electronic format:

Inherit the Stars
The Multiplex Man
The Two Faces of Tomorrow

I downloaded them a few days ago, but haven't felt up to reading
yet. I used to read about five books a week, till my vision got so

When I go to the bookstore all i see are reprints of books i read 20
years ago, or things that aren't really Sci-Fi. The local library
system has almost nothing. The Sci-Fi category is full of witchcraft,
demons, and bad horror stories.

Yes,they've confused Sci-fi with fantasy.
The only real Sci-Fi are the older
Star Trek, Star Wars and Battlestar Galactica books. I like the old
'60s and early '70s "Space Opera" series, like Perry Rhodan, and
others with some continuity from book to book.
Next time I'm at the library,I'll jot down some of the sci-fi titles that
IMO,you might like.

"Inherit the Stars" is the first of 3 books in the "Giants" trilogy.
It's great.
Read that 1st,or "Two Faces",leave Multiplex Man til last.

"Voyage" was the first Hogan book I ever read,IIRC.


Jim said:
try reading James P Hogan's stuff.
The Two Faces of Tomorrow,the "Giants" trilogy,Bug Park,Voyage From
Greg Bear is also OK. Darwin's Radio and Darwin's Children are good reads.
I like the Miles Vorkosigan stories by Lois McMaster Bujold and the
Commonwealth stories of Allan Dean Foster.

john jardine

Yep, I have IP cameras, with motion detection, combined with IR sensors running 24/7,
Since the last drug addict drunk 16? year old caused considerable damage.
But it did not cost me that much, PC records, about 1GB / day, erase if nothing happens
in a few days. PC is on as server anyways.
There have been an amazing lot of downloads of this soft :)
Couldn't get in your (secure!) site. It wants some kind of name and
Yes. First option was recording on my PC but as it's generally only switched
on a couple of hours for a sim' or email or the newsgroups etc, I figured
a fit-n-forget, hard disc based DVR, the camera and lighting PSU's, all
together in one place, would be next best thing.
Thought of also linking in the existing PIRs but knowing the false triggers
due to squirrels, cats, foxes and hedgehogs, I thought again :)

Jan Panteltje

Yep, I have IP cameras, with motion detection, combined with IR sensors running 24/7,
Since the last drug addict drunk 16? year old caused considerable damage.
But it did not cost me that much, PC records, about 1GB / day, erase if nothing happens
in a few days. PC is on as server anyways.
There have been an amazing lot of downloads of this soft :)
Couldn't get in your (secure!) site. It wants some kind of name and

Yes I added the bot trap, a new search engine comes on line every week it
seems and then download the whole site (about a gigabyte) several times
within the shortest time bandwidth allows.
You should just enter:
For user: guest
For password: none
This _is_ indicated, at least in Firefox....
Yes. First option was recording on my PC but as it's generally only switched
on a couple of hours for a sim' or email or the newsgroups etc, I figured
a fit-n-forget, hard disc based DVR, the camera and lighting PSU's, all
together in one place, would be next best thing.
Thought of also linking in the existing PIRs but knowing the false triggers
due to squirrels, cats, foxes and hedgehogs, I thought again :)

Yes, the outside IR detectors give some alarms as people walk past the house
But the system now takes pictures at 2 frames per second, with date and time
embeddded in screen, compressed in H264 (mpeg4) so you can just watch the movie
of the previous day....
I have nice movies of sunrise... :)

Rich Grise

Yep, I have IP cameras, with motion detection, combined with IR sensors running 24/7,
Since the last drug addict drunk 16? year old caused considerable damage.
But it did not cost me that much, PC records, about 1GB / day, erase if nothing happens
in a few days. PC is on as server anyways.
There have been an amazing lot of downloads of this soft :)
Couldn't get in your (secure!) site. It wants some kind of name and
Yes. First option was recording on my PC but as it's generally only switched
on a couple of hours for a sim' or email or the newsgroups etc, I figured
a fit-n-forget, hard disc based DVR, the camera and lighting PSU's, all
together in one place, would be next best thing.
Thought of also linking in the existing PIRs but knowing the false triggers
due to squirrels, cats, foxes and hedgehogs, I thought again :)

I've only had one infrared yard light thing, and it had a sensitivity
adjustment, supposedly specifically so you could avoid triggering on small

Good Luck!

ian field

Ancient_Hacker said:
Nope, can't do it that way. The xenon flashtube is directly connected
across the main storage capacitor. It's triggered into firing by a
high voltage pulse applied to a thin wire that's wound around the tube.

A LC circuit of course can't be triggered that way. I guess you could
put the LC in series with the flashtube, so there's be a several amp
pulse into it. But that's not going to generate much of a RF field.

Much better EMP can be done with public-domain designs, just use Google.

Try thinking more along the lines of CDI unit.


Jim said:
So? Don't jerk off in public ;-)

A student at Leeds University was doing that, late at night in the
computer centre. He didn't realise that he was being recorded on CCTV
and got sent down when someone checked the tape.


Frithiof Andreas Jensen

Jan Panteltje said:
On a sunny day (Sun, 5 Nov 2006 23:26:05 -0000) it happened "john jardine"
<[email protected]>:
Yes I added the bot trap, a new search engine comes on line every week it
seems and then download the whole site (about a gigabyte) several times
within the shortest time bandwidth allows.

You should perhaps set up a tar-pit: redirect to a virtual server serving
/dev/random over a 16 kb/sec link!

Jan Panteltje

You should perhaps set up a tar-pit: redirect to a virtual server serving
/dev/random over a 16 kb/sec link!

Yes, nice idea ;-) I have module rewrite installed, problem is the number
of entries is now getting enormous after running this server a few years,
so I have resorted to an even meaner way of killing offenders:
Using iptables as firewall:
-A OUTPUT -s -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable

There are now 270 entries in the ipchains firewall.

I am not sure if it is legal, I also run a name server, these guys will
never find my IP again ever via hostname lookup :)

Many are killfiled because they try URL redirect, - - [04/Nov/2006:06:02:04 +0100] "GET HTTP/1.1" 404 899
is enough to semi-auto add this IP as a firewall entry.
In spite of the 404 denial, do not want my server a part of a botnet.

J. Todd

Nope, can't do it that way. The xenon flashtube is directly connected
across the main storage capacitor. It's triggered into firing by a
high voltage pulse applied to a thin wire that's wound around the tube.

A LC circuit of course can't be triggered that way. I guess you could
put the LC in series with the flashtube, so there's be a several amp
pulse into it. But that's not going to generate much of a RF field.

Much better EMP can be done with public-domain designs, just use Google.

I've seen and tested a magnetostrictive pulse transmitter wired
that way (see OP), but not tuned, of course. It worked fine, for a quick
toy. An old camera flashwas used, and the current pulse must have been
pretty impressive.

ian field

Genome said:
I was talking to my brick yesterday..... I said

'Hey, you're oblong in a three dimensional sort of way and kind of ruddy

We had a cuddle later.


Don't leave it laying around - the dung beetles might carry it off!

ian field

Ancient_Hacker said:
Nope, can't do it that way. The xenon flashtube is directly connected
across the main storage capacitor. It's triggered into firing by a
high voltage pulse applied to a thin wire that's wound around the tube.

A LC circuit of course can't be triggered that way. I guess you could
put the LC in series with the flashtube, so there's be a several amp
pulse into it. But that's not going to generate much of a RF field.

Much better EMP can be done with public-domain designs, just use Google.

For fast high current discharge use one of those Siemens gas discharge
protection devices, these are sometimes found in high end telecoms gear and
also in gas igniters on appliances like gas cookers. A capacitor is charged
to around 220V either by mains or a BO inverter, the primary of the spark
coil and the gas discharge tube are in series across the cap' when the
voltage on the cap' reaches the gas breakover it dumps the charge in the