Maker Pro
Maker Pro

pir false alarms



Roland said:
You know that being that lazy will send you straight to hell.

If that's all it takes, then I've probably got a reserved seat on the
right hand side
Furthermore if you weren't too afraid to read the Bible you'd know the words
to that song come straight out of 2nd Hesitations. (Revised pidgin version)

Wanna hear something funny? Right now, as I write this, my wife is
something on TV and they're singing ...... yep, Kumbaya!!!!!!!!
Isn't that what Jim Jones said before the Kool-Aid got him, or was that what
Rodney King said after the cops gave him dain bramage?
Maybe if Rodney King wasn't singing "Hear me crying, Lord, Kum ba yah!" they
would have stopped beating him.

I doubt it. They didn't know they were being taped.

The only thing bad that happened during that incident ...... was that
some idiot video taped it.


Jim said:
Some people are grandparents in their 40's.
i was 37 when my 19 years old daughter told me i would be a grampa in a few
month,was 38 when the little angel came in our world,and i still have a
strange feeling when i see her running around here...just cant think that my
kid gotr a kid!
Just went to a 50th class reunion.
I could hardly believe how old all those people were.

Hamm aren't you part of that age group?if you were invited to that class


Petem said:
i was 37 when my 19 years old daughter told me i would be a grampa in a few
month,was 38 when the little angel came in our world,and i still have a
strange feeling when i see her running around here...just cant think thatmy
kid gotr a kid!

Hamm aren't you part of that age group?if you were invited to that class

Yeah .... but somehow they all aged faster than I did.

I believe I've witnessed a miracle!!!!