Not quite sure what you mean by pulsing it, THEN applying power.
So, there's an analogue line (0 or 0.65volts) and a power line that you have to interrupt for some reason, then an analogue input back?
And you want to design a multiplexor that switches each of these lines?
Someone above suggested that you just get a bigger PIC. Sorry didn't really follow your response to that either.
So you have multiple ADC pins, so you don't have to multiplex the analogue back in, is that it?
That just leaves power (Maybe a FET switch each) and the 0 - 0.65 volt line for each sensor?
Fixed 0.65 volts? How accurate? Could that be another FET? Or analogue switch? What current are you wanting/expecting?
There's an experienced guy here who often explains to people that including full/enough information once is a good thing as people can provide the most help that way