Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Pic and JTAG Programmer

Hi everyone,

I'm new to this pic's world, so .. :D

I have bought this programmer (JTAG) :


But no software's able to detect when i connect it to my computer :S i have tried picPGM, microC, ICPROG... but no result.

Any idea please ? Thanks :)


Sadly passed away in 2015
Welcome to Electronics Point :)

Do you have any more information on the board?

Model number?
Link to manufacturer's web page (not the eBay page)?
Documentation that came with it?
Hi, thanks for your answer :)
Unfortunately i received no documentation with the board :'(
I had searched a lot in the web for the board link, but with no results.
For the model number i'm not sure if it's the correct one but it appears to be : TS8900-PI, the chip is an 16f877a


Sadly passed away in 2015
I would contact the seller and ask for documentation and support software, or at least a web link. If they can't provide it, I would return it for a refund since it appears to be useless.


Sadly passed away in 2015
Great :-/ It's probably a menu from his favourite restaurant!

Well, he should know that's no use to you. What you do is up to you, I guess. You could try demanding English documentation and threatening to post bad feedback - I think you would be justified in doing that. Or you could try to find someone local who can translate it for you. Do what you think is appropriate.

I've heard many stories of products bought from that part of the world via eBay where the product wasn't usable for its intended purpose, for various reasons, and personally I don't agree with the "well, it was cheap, so I'll just throw it away and forget about it" attitude - if people are methodically selling junk, they should receive appropriate feedback. JMHO.


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Post an image of the documentation (presuming that it's a single sheet).

I sit about three steps away from a person who writes most of his working notes in Chinese. Having a PhD in electrical engineering he'll probably be able to tell us if it is a menu or a set of documentation. If it's short enough he may even be able to do some translation.

However, I'd look for urls in the documentation and then use google translate on them. If it doesn't have urls in the documentation then it's pretty likely that the documentation isn't going to help you get the software (but hey, it might say it works with something -- although it's unlikely that the name of the software would be written in Chinese symbols)


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
The restaurant menu thing was supposed to be a joke!

I've asked him to translate some documentation before and he has told me that it's not what I was told it was, so your joke may actually reflect an aspect of reality.
It looks like K programmer.
i order mine also from ebay, without documentation.
after a month of searching and snooping around i come across a link on youtube.
and the guy said when i download K150 programmer software,mine is K150.
that i should buy another PIC like on board, and install it in and program it with
hex file that comes with the software. ill snoop around and send you link of one you have, if im lucky :)
Seems its not like mine, buy you can try to do as i did. Update firmware of the PIC16F877a. But buy new PIC dont try to
update firmware of old one untill you are 100% sure which one is it :)

The site i was download mine, after update firmware i also got message board not present or something like that, but i could still
program the PICs with no error.

Good luck.
Seems like a lot of trouble when you can get a supported programmer / in-circuit debugger from Microchip for $35.


This board is to test and learn.

You need a KIT PIC2 connected in J2 programm the PIC16F887 .

The USB port only power on the board ,, no USB D + / D- connections

All pin names are show in silkscreen's board , no diagram is required.

If you want some library, please ask me ( )

This board is to test and learn.

You need a KIT PIC2 connected in J2 programm the PIC16F887 .

The USB port only power on the board ,, no USB D + / D- connections

All pin names are show in silkscreen's board , no diagram is required.

If you want some library, please ask me ( )
I think you're just a tiny bit too late, @Eletric Crazy .
Check the date of the post you replied to - even the last reply before your's was 18 months ago.
Let's hope "themasterm" has already fixed his problem by now. ;)
I think you're just a tiny bit too late, @Eletric Crazy .
Check the date of the post you replied to - even the last reply before your's was 18 months ago.
Let's hope "themasterm" has already fixed his problem by now. ;)


i did :D
reprograming new PIC solve the case, even if it dont work always like it should but...
Glad to hear that :)
i spend around 2 months to get it running, i hope you get yours sooner than me :D
It only took 5 minutes to get mine running properly when I first got it. I've had it for a very long time now.

It's all dependent on getting the right version of the software, from memory, and matching the version of the programmer firmware to the software version. I found a website giving good advice on that subject before my programmer even arrived, so I was good-to-go when it got here.

Before the K150, I used an 'Epic' parallel port programmer from 'Micro Engineering Labs' for about 10 or 15 years, but it died.