Maker Pro
Maker Pro

lecture de la température d'un capteur LM35 et l'afficher sur une LCD en utilisant deux pic 16F88 vi

Bonjour, j'ai un TP sur le pic 16F88, le principe de ce TP est le suivant :
on a un capteur de température LM35 lié à un pic 16F88 en utilisant SPI, et ce pic est lié à un autre pic de même type via la communication SPI et ce dernier pic permet d'afficher la température à une LCD.
les logiciels utilisés sont:
merci de m'aider pour faire la simulation et surtout au niveau de la programmation.
et merci d'avance.

SVP c'est urgeeeeent.
Bienvenue chez AAC!
Nous ne faisons pas vos devoirs pour vous. S'il vous plaît, soumettre votre meilleur effort (en anglais) pour faire cette mission.
How far have you got?
Not sure that anyone will do this "for you", but people might help, if you have specific questions or problem areas.

Harald Kapp

@houda : This forum uses English.
Here's a Google translation of your request:

Hello, I have a lab on PIC16F88, the principle of this lab is as follows:
we have an LM35 temperature sensor linked to a 16F88 PIC using SPI, and this PIC is linked to another PIC of the same type via SPI communication and this last PIC allows the temperature to be displayed on an LCD.
the software used are:
thank you for helping me to do the simulation and especially at the programming level.
And thank you in advance.

Please it's urgent.

Not sure that anyone will do this "for you",
Right, that is definitely not the purpose of this forum.
people might help, if you have specific questions or problem areas.
Right again. Show us what you have got so far, where you struggle and need help. But don't expect anyone here to do your lab work. Besides, what do you think you'll learn from the lab work if others did it for you?
Hello, I have a TP on the pic 16F88, the principle of this TP is as follows:
we have a LM35 temperature sensor linked to a pic 16F88 using SPI, and this pic is linked to another pic of the same type via SPI communication and this last pic allows to display the temperature on an LCD.clear ppf
the software used is:
thank you for helping me to do the simulation and especially at the programming level.
and thank you in advance.

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David Segall