Maker Pro
Maker Pro

pc project - connecting all grounds to usb?

i'm converting an xbox 360 wireless gaming headset to be compatible with my pc.

I have found the pinouts on the av connector so its just a case of wiring them up correctly.

I will be working with the following:
Audio Left
Audio Right
5v power

I will be using a modified usb cable to provide 5v power to the project.

Now heres my question. All of them require ground, usually i would ground the power through the usb cable and then ground the audio cables through the ground of a 3.5mm jack. The pcb i am modifying has all grounds linked together, is it ok for this to be connected to USB ground?

So my usb ground would have the power, audio left and audio right attached to it?
well its working, sort of. i'm getting a loud hum from the unit and music plays in only one ear. im going to try powering it from a usb wall plug instead of the usb socket on the pc, we'll see if that fixes anything