Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Parallel and series generator and batteries

But your diagram is showing two 6V batteries in series giving 12V. And a 12V generator attached directly to 6V battery. Not good.

To elucidate Steves point a bit. You have two generators, each capable of 12V and 6A. And you want out 24V and 12A. The output is exactly twice the power of the input. If you are talking about doing this continuously, it cannot work.

Now, if what you mean is that you want to charge the batteries for a while say 3 hours, then get 24V and 12A for 1 hour, that is doable if the batteries are capable of producing that current continously. If the batteries are rated at 12V and 12AH they are probably not capable of providing 12A for 1 hour. The Amp Hour rating for lead acid batteries usually is when discharged over 20 hours. That would mean a discharge rate of 1.67 A. At higher discharge rates, the capacity will be considerably less, if it can even supply that kind of current at all.

I was not planning to run it continuously. Are you able to draw a diagram or find one online of the generator set up with the batteries.

I would like to avoid using four generators if possible due to cost. I was originally thinking that I would use one 24v 12a generator and charge a 24v 12ah battery. That way I would be making the same power without trying to double it. I changed it to the two generators because I could not find a reasonably priced 24v 12ah battery.


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
12A charge current for a 12Ah battery is waaaaaay too much, especially if it is an SLA battery.
I'm confused on the the ratings of the battery then I guess. How many Ah would a battery need to have inorder to receive 12a?


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
How many miles do you need to drive to get 40 miles per hour?

You need to learn the difference between A and Ah. One is a measure of current (A), the other of capacity (Ah).

The battery might like a 1.5A charge rate, but I don't know. See the spec sheet. Abbreviated details are sometimes printed on the battery.
Depends on many aspects of the installation. Battery type ..... Regulator arrangement....monitored installation or standalone.... Wind generators in small scale invariably simply do not work. Usually due to how much wind blows ( or as in most installations, doesn't blow as expected)