Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Non-linear functions ...


Richard Rasker

Hi all,

I'm currently working with a mass air flow sensor (a Honeywell AWM3100V, see, and
I would like to convert the rather non-linear response curve of this device
into a voltage which bears a linear relationship to the actual air flow.
Ideally, I would like to see the air flow converted in millivolts, so that
it can be fed into a 3.5 digit voltmeter directly.

These are the values (F=flow):
F (ccm) Vout (V)
0 1.00
25 1.90
50 2.67
75 3.27
100 3.75
125 4.17
150 4.50
175 4.80
200 5.00

The first problem was simple: finding a suitable mathematical function which
fits the curve; I looked at something along the lines of
Vout=c1*(1-e^(-F/c2))+1, and it turns out that c1=5 and c2=125 provides a
near-perfect fit. The second problem was to find an inverse function -- no
problem there either: F=-c2*ln(1-(Vout-1)/c1) -- leading to the third and
rather trickier problem, which of course is to implement that inverse
function in an actual circuit.

I've been doing some trial-and-error experimenting with a simple circuit,
based on a simple Si-diode with some bypass and series resistors in several
configurations, but that doesn't produce satisfactory results -- the best
curve I get is easily 10% off at the extremes, and that's even without
temperature instability. All this is of course no surprise, as the
exponential function of a forward-biased diode is something different than
a logarithmic function, and a simple PN junction has a temperature
coefficient of approximately 2 mV per degree Celsius.

Does anyone know of designs which provide a better fit for this type of
logarithmic function, and preferably a better temperature stability?

Thanks in advance, best regards,

Richard Rasker


Tim said:
.-----. .----. .-----.
| | | | | |
problem o---->| ADC |----->| uP |----->| DAC |-----> answer
| | | | | |
'-----' '----' '-----'

I'll second that. Being an analog guy this was hard to write but we've
got to know when to fold'em.

The MSP430F2003 has the ADC part built in. Somehow DVM tells me it's
slow so you could get by with the el-cheapo MSP430F2001 or an even
cheaper PIC. The MSP can work sans crystal. Program it to do dual slope
conversion for the ADC and PWM the output, then RC filter that. The math
goes in between where the code is :)

Piecewise linear can be ok but with diodes it's temperature-sensitive
and with comparators it's expensive.

Jon Kirwan

I'm currently working with a mass air flow sensor (a Honeywell AWM3100V, see, and
I would like to convert the rather non-linear response curve of this device
into a voltage which bears a linear relationship to the actual air flow.
Ideally, I would like to see the air flow converted in millivolts, so that
it can be fed into a 3.5 digit voltmeter directly.

These are the values (F=flow):
F (ccm) Vout (V)
0 1.00
25 1.90
50 2.67
75 3.27
100 3.75
125 4.17
150 4.50
175 4.80
200 5.00

The first problem was simple: finding a suitable mathematical function which
fits the curve; I looked at something along the lines of
Vout=c1*(1-e^(-F/c2))+1, and it turns out that c1=5 and c2=125 provides a
near-perfect fit. The second problem was to find an inverse function -- no
problem there either: F=-c2*ln(1-(Vout-1)/c1) -- leading to the third and
rather trickier problem, which of course is to implement that inverse
function in an actual circuit.

I've been doing some trial-and-error experimenting with a simple circuit,
based on a simple Si-diode with some bypass and series resistors in several
configurations, but that doesn't produce satisfactory results -- the best
curve I get is easily 10% off at the extremes, and that's even without
temperature instability. All this is of course no surprise, as the
exponential function of a forward-biased diode is something different than
a logarithmic function, and a simple PN junction has a temperature
coefficient of approximately 2 mV per degree Celsius.

Does anyone know of designs which provide a better fit for this type of
logarithmic function, and preferably a better temperature stability?

You were looking for an inverse function of something with an offset
built into it. Sometimes, it helps to first subtract the offset (the
1V) before feeding it to an inverse function to linearize. That was
my first thought. Second, was to wonder if you might instead focus on
a function block that replicates the exponential behavior of the
sensor but is _driven_ by a linear parameter (such as time or
frequency, for example) and then arrange things to adjust the linear
control so that the two outputs match and then read off the control
parameter value, instead. Third was to consider recommending a micro,
which is a rather common approach to conditioning sensors these days.


Richard Rasker

Jon said:
You were looking for an inverse function of something with an offset
built into it. Sometimes, it helps to first subtract the offset (the
1V) before feeding it to an inverse function to linearize.

I assumed that this step could be considered trivial -- in my measuring
setup, I have a +1.00V reference voltage for this exact purpose.
That was my first thought. Second, was to wonder if you might instead
focus on a function block that replicates the exponential behavior of the
sensor but is _driven_ by a linear parameter (such as time or
frequency, for example) and then arrange things to adjust the linear
control so that the two outputs match and then read off the control
parameter value, instead.

Well, of course that would provide a limited (in time and range) solution,
but I'm rather more interested in a direct transfer function without
translating the nonlinearity into another domain first.
Third was to consider recommending a micro, which is a rather common
approach to conditioning sensors these days.

I know. But I'm one of those old school die-hards who prefers hooking up a
dozen or so components to a meter in an hour or so instead of spending a
multiple of that time programming a controller to do the same.

Richard Rasker

Richard Rasker

Michael said:
Hi all,

I'm currently working with a mass air flow sensor (a Honeywell AWM3100V,
and I would like to convert the rather non-linear response curve of this
device into a voltage which bears a linear relationship to the actual air
flow. Ideally, I would like to see the air flow converted in millivolts,
so that it can be fed into a 3.5 digit voltmeter directly.

These are the values (F=flow):
F (ccm)    Vout (V)
0          1.00
25         1.90
50         2.67
75         3.27
100        3.75
125        4.17
150        4.50
175        4.80
200        5.00

A few side questions: how do those voltages look when performed at
different ambient temperatures, and at different elevations (air
pressures)? You might have a few more equations to play with in those

Good questions. I varied the temperature of the air input to the sensor
between 15 and 60 degrees Celsius, and found no significant differences.
I didn't vary the air pressure, but the setup is intended for use in normal
atmospheric pressure at sea level, so this latter parameter is not
Also, the gas measured is air with only very low traces (< 100ppm) of
contaminants, so I don't have to take differences in gas parameters into

Richard Rasker

Spehro Pefhany

Hi all,

I'm currently working with a mass air flow sensor (a Honeywell AWM3100V, see, and
I would like to convert the rather non-linear response curve of this device
into a voltage which bears a linear relationship to the actual air flow.
Ideally, I would like to see the air flow converted in millivolts, so that
it can be fed into a 3.5 digit voltmeter directly.

These are the values (F=flow):
F (ccm) Vout (V)
0 1.00
25 1.90
50 2.67
75 3.27
100 3.75
125 4.17
150 4.50
175 4.80
200 5.00

The first problem was simple: finding a suitable mathematical function which
fits the curve; I looked at something along the lines of
Vout=c1*(1-e^(-F/c2))+1, and it turns out that c1=5 and c2=125 provides a
near-perfect fit. The second problem was to find an inverse function -- no
problem there either: F=-c2*ln(1-(Vout-1)/c1) -- leading to the third and
rather trickier problem, which of course is to implement that inverse
function in an actual circuit.

I've been doing some trial-and-error experimenting with a simple circuit,
based on a simple Si-diode with some bypass and series resistors in several
configurations, but that doesn't produce satisfactory results -- the best
curve I get is easily 10% off at the extremes, and that's even without
temperature instability. All this is of course no surprise, as the
exponential function of a forward-biased diode is something different than
a logarithmic function, and a simple PN junction has a temperature
coefficient of approximately 2 mV per degree Celsius.

Does anyone know of designs which provide a better fit for this type of
logarithmic function, and preferably a better temperature stability?

Thanks in advance, best regards,

Richard Rasker

Definitely use a micro-- you can implement your equation (in a very
straightforward manner if you use C) and/or do a polynomial fit to
squeeze out the last bit of error.

For example:

Flow (ccm) = 0.6629*v^5 - 9.5389*v^4 + 53.6729*v^3 - 139.4424*v^2 +
192.9420 *v -98.3132

.... which can be evaluated with only five multiplies and no
transcendental operations.

You *could* go looking up how to design analog log/antilog amplifiers
with matched transistors and thermistors for temperature compensation,
but AFICR this is not 1980 and a suitable micro is going to be
cheaper, simpler and much more stable.

Jon Kirwan

I assumed that this step could be considered trivial -- in my measuring
setup, I have a +1.00V reference voltage for this exact purpose.

It is trivial. But I didn't see you mention it and it's hard to know
what to assume, from my end. I just documented by early thoughts upon
Well, of course that would provide a limited (in time and range) solution,
but I'm rather more interested in a direct transfer function without
translating the nonlinearity into another domain first.

I'm worried about what appears to be an open-loop approach you are
I know. But I'm one of those old school die-hards who prefers hooking up a
dozen or so components to a meter in an hour or so instead of spending a
multiple of that time programming a controller to do the same.

Well, I'm not going to argue with you about that. You know your
situation and desires better than I do. However, ... you may find
yourself buffeted by practical forces to head this way, all the same.



Tim said:
And way smaller.

You still get the challenge of making the innies and outies good to
whatever your desired precision is -- 3-1/2 digits is about 12 bits,
which is quite doable but still not something that you can just do
without double-checking your work.

With dual-slope conversion at the input and a PWM at the output that
should be quite easy. The 3-1/2 digite DVM probably doesn't read more
than a few times per second anyhow.

Frank Buss

Richard said:
I know. But I'm one of those old school die-hards who prefers hooking up a
dozen or so components to a meter in an hour or so instead of spending a
multiple of that time programming a controller to do the same.

Combine this one:

with some of the C code from this one:

and you're done, in less than an hour :)

The function is already known, or you can use a simple piecewise linear
approximation with your measured values. Another idea would be to use a
slightly more powerful PIC and a realtime spline interpolation:

I guess it would fit in an PIC16F628 and even with small PICs this would be
much faster than you can see the changes on your voltmeter. But I would use
a 7 segment display anyway, driven by the microcontroller, or with a
MAX7221, which is really nice for this, if price doesn't matter.

Rich Grise

.-----. .----. .-----.
| | | | | |
problem o---->| ADC |----->| uP |----->| DAC |-----> answer
| | | | | |
'-----' '----' '-----'

.-----. .-----. .-----.
| | | | | |
problem o---->| ADC |----->| LUT |----->| DAC |-----> answer
| | | | | |
'-----' '-----' '-----'


Frank Buss

Jan said:
Is not a 74HC4046 a much simpler VCO with a lot bigger range?

But the requirements were lower limit and upper limit for the voltage,
which would require more parts.

BTW: The new ATtiny10, mentioned in comp.arch.embedded, is interesting for
such applications, because it has some interesting PWM modes and other
timer goodies, which makes it even more trivial to solve such problems.

Jon Slaughter

Richard said:
Hi all,

I'm currently working with a mass air flow sensor (a Honeywell
AWM3100V, see,
and I would like to convert the rather non-linear response curve of
this device into a voltage which bears a linear relationship to the
actual air flow. Ideally, I would like to see the air flow converted
in millivolts, so that it can be fed into a 3.5 digit voltmeter

These are the values (F=flow):
F (ccm) Vout (V)
0 1.00
25 1.90
50 2.67
75 3.27
100 3.75
125 4.17
150 4.50
175 4.80
200 5.00

The first problem was simple: finding a suitable mathematical
function which fits the curve; I looked at something along the lines
of Vout=c1*(1-e^(-F/c2))+1, and it turns out that c1=5 and c2=125
provides a near-perfect fit. The second problem was to find an
inverse function -- no problem there either: F=-c2*ln(1-(Vout-1)/c1)
-- leading to the third and rather trickier problem, which of course
is to implement that inverse function in an actual circuit.

I've been doing some trial-and-error experimenting with a simple
circuit, based on a simple Si-diode with some bypass and series
resistors in several configurations, but that doesn't produce
satisfactory results -- the best curve I get is easily 10% off at the
extremes, and that's even without temperature instability. All this
is of course no surprise, as the exponential function of a
forward-biased diode is something different than a logarithmic
function, and a simple PN junction has a temperature coefficient of
approximately 2 mV per degree Celsius.

Does anyone know of designs which provide a better fit for this type
of logarithmic function, and preferably a better temperature

I don't know but if I had to do it with analog I might simply do averaging.
This will produce a spline approximation:

for example:

75 3.27
100 3.75

if your input was 80 then your output is (3.75 - 3.27)/(100-75)*(80 - 75) +
3.27. i.e., fitting a line between the two points.

now, you implement the analog electronics to compute that equation then use
a multiplexer to select the different data points which is simply setup by
using appropriate resistors that feed your analog equation calculator.

For a large number of data points this is out of the equation as also if
linear approximation is bad. (you can use better approximations but the
analog circuitry starts to get very complex real quick)

You gotta decide when the analog method starts to become more complex than a
uC. Alsoa uC will, in general, be much more accurate and be easily changed
even after fab.

Robert Lacoste

Richard Rasker said:
Hi all,

I'm currently working with a mass air flow sensor (a Honeywell AWM3100V,
see, and
I would like to convert the rather non-linear response curve of this
into a voltage which bears a linear relationship to the actual air flow.
Ideally, I would like to see the air flow converted in millivolts, so that
it can be fed into a 3.5 digit voltmeter directly.

These are the values (F=flow):
F (ccm) Vout (V)
0 1.00
25 1.90
50 2.67
75 3.27
100 3.75
125 4.17
150 4.50
175 4.80
200 5.00

The first problem was simple: finding a suitable mathematical function
fits the curve; I looked at something along the lines of
Vout=c1*(1-e^(-F/c2))+1, and it turns out that c1=5 and c2=125 provides a
near-perfect fit. The second problem was to find an inverse function -- no
problem there either: F=-c2*ln(1-(Vout-1)/c1) -- leading to the third and
rather trickier problem, which of course is to implement that inverse
function in an actual circuit.

I've been doing some trial-and-error experimenting with a simple circuit,
based on a simple Si-diode with some bypass and series resistors in
configurations, but that doesn't produce satisfactory results -- the best
curve I get is easily 10% off at the extremes, and that's even without
temperature instability. All this is of course no surprise, as the
exponential function of a forward-biased diode is something different than
a logarithmic function, and a simple PN junction has a temperature
coefficient of approximately 2 mV per degree Celsius.

Does anyone know of designs which provide a better fit for this type of
logarithmic function, and preferably a better temperature stability?

Thanks in advance, best regards,

Richard Rasker

Of course the microcontroller-based approach proposed in previous posts is
very probably the easiest solution. On the "nearly analog" way there are
some chips dedicated to signal conditionning and sensor linearization, like
the PGA309 from TI (see
However it will probably not be easy to use it in your application as the
liearisation is done through a modification of the sensor excitation and is
adapted to wheatstone bridges. But may be you could add an external aop or
two ?

Friendly yours,

Robert Lacoste

Robert Lacoste said:
Of course the microcontroller-based approach proposed in previous posts is
very probably the easiest solution. On the "nearly analog" way there are
some chips dedicated to signal conditionning and sensor linearization,
like the PGA309 from TI (see However it will probably
not be easy to use it in your application as the liearisation is done
through a modification of the sensor excitation and is adapted to
wheatstone bridges. But may be you could add an external aop or two ?

Friendly yours,

A variant may be more easily adaptable to your application :

Spehro Pefhany

First Google hit is this PDF, which has all the equations needed. Notes/DT021-4/6LogAntiLogAmplifiers.pdf

see around page 9 (simplified schematic). Matched transistors are used
to compensate for offset change with temperature, and to compensate
for gain error with temperature R4 is made to be a temperature
dependent resistor. Probably good enough for your application, but not
as good as the dedicated chips were.

Unfortunately, the IC dedicated analog blocks they talk of, and even
many of the matched transistors, have been becoming more and more
availability-challenged. The market has spoken.
One project I was involved in used a transistor charging a capacitor
to generate a pretty accurate hyperbolic function, though compensating
of the internal emitter and base resistances of the transistor was a
bit tricky.

In a related circuit I used a thick film platinum resistance sensor to
compensate for the change in the therma voltage - kT/h which is
proportional to absolute temperature and about 26mV at 300C (room

That does seem a tad on the warm side, Bill. At 22-23°C+ some folks
start to complain, IME.

Best regards,
Spehro Pefhany

Richard Rasker

Spehro said:
First Google hit is this PDF, which has all the equations needed. Notes/DT021-4/6LogAntiLogAmplifiers.pdf

see around page 9 (simplified schematic). Matched transistors are used
to compensate for offset change with temperature, and to compensate
for gain error with temperature R4 is made to be a temperature
dependent resistor. Probably good enough for your application, but not
as good as the dedicated chips were.

Ah, yes, of course -- I searched for "non-linear amplifiers", and got lost
in all sorts of interesting but (for my application) useless information.
And I still have a few SSM2210's around somewhere, so a matched transistor
pair is no problem.
Unfortunately, the IC dedicated analog blocks they talk of, and even
many of the matched transistors, have been becoming more and more
availability-challenged. The market has spoken.

I know, and I guess I'll eventually switch to using controllers for these
applications as well -- but somehow, having a digital chip perform
complicated calculations feels like making things needlessly difficult,
when there are one-step analog processes to do the same. It's like asking
someone across the room if they want another cup of coffee by sending then
a text message.

Also, I don't have the need for any digital stuff at this point -- I have a
simple (digital) voltmeter module which takes analog input, monitoring
several different parameters selected by a switch, and some simple analog
circuitry surrounding it, all running on a single 12 volt supply.

I'm also pondering the idea of charging a capacitor via a resistor, and have
a linear rising voltage (integrator) starting at the same time; when the
capacitor voltage has reached the sensor output voltage, a simple
sample-and-hold of the linear voltage should provide a relatively accurate
value for the flow rate. The only critical component here would be the
capacitor, which must have a low temperature drift.
That does seem a tad on the warm side, Bill. At 22-23°C+ some folks
start to complain, IME.


Anyway, thanks to everyone for their contributions. It's quite interesting
to see how ever more electronic design questions are answered by the single
adage "use a controller!".

Thanks again, best regards,

Richard Rasker

Fred Bartoli

Richard Rasker a écrit :

I know. But I'm one of those old school die-hards who prefers hooking up a
dozen or so components to a meter in an hour or so instead of spending a
multiple of that time programming a controller to do the same.

OK, then instead of using your log approach, one could notice the
extreme similarity between your sensor response Vout=c1*(1-e^(-F/c2))+1
and an RC step response Vout=Vo*(1-e^(-t/tau)) which only differs from
your sensor response by a 1 constant. You can easily put this to work,
without having to bother with the inherent log amp thermal problems, and
use feedback to recover the flow value...

R C RC = C2
___ ||
-1 >----. C1 >--|___|--+--||---.
| | || |
.---. | ===
Vout >--| + |---. .--------+ GND
'---' | | |
.-----. |
\+ -/ +-||
comparator \ / ->||
V +-||---.
| | |
| === |
.--o--. GND |
GND -|D S Q|-------------'
| |
Clk >---|> -| ___
| R Q|---|___|--+-----> Flow
'--o--' |

Note that this will be a sampled system, so you have to adapt the clock
frequency to your wanted frequency bandwidth.

Richard Rasker

Fred Bartoli said:
Richard Rasker a écrit :

OK, then instead of using your log approach, one could notice the
extreme similarity between your sensor response Vout=c1*(1-e^(-F/c2))+1
and an RC step response Vout=Vo*(1-e^(-t/tau)) which only differs from
your sensor response by a 1 constant. You can easily put this to work,
without having to bother with the inherent log amp thermal problems, and
use feedback to recover the flow value...

R C RC = C2
___ ||
-1 >----. C1 >--|___|--+--||---.
| | || |
.---. | ===
Vout >--| + |---. .--------+ GND
'---' | | |
.-----. |
\+ -/ +-||
comparator \ / ->||
V +-||---.
| | |
| === |
.--o--. GND |
GND -|D S Q|-------------'
| |
Clk >---|> -| ___
| R Q|---|___|--+-----> Flow
'--o--' |

Note that this will be a sampled system, so you have to adapt the clock
frequency to your wanted frequency bandwidth.

Yes, I just figured out something along the same lines, and I was just about
to design a schematic -- but yours is quite a bit simpler and more elegant
than what I had in mind :)
And as your schematic bears a great resemblance to the innards of the humble
555, it wouldn't surprise me if I could use that device for this particular

Thanks for this very neat suggestion!

Richard Rasker

Fred Bartoli

Richard Rasker a écrit :
Yes, I just figured out something along the same lines, and I was just about
to design a schematic -- but yours is quite a bit simpler and more elegant
than what I had in mind :)
And as your schematic bears a great resemblance to the innards of the humble
555, it wouldn't surprise me if I could use that device for this particular

Thanks for this very neat suggestion!

Yes, maybe you could use the 555...
You have access to the upper divider point to inject your Vout-1, but
make sure the comparators have the low rail in their input range, which
is not the normal working mode and make sure to use the CMOS version so
that you don't have input bias currents and output switch VCEsat problems.

Hmmm, even simpler...
You could use the 555 with an external mos switch with it's source
shifted, say 1V (guess why) and omit the constant subtraction from your
Vout input.

R C RC = C2
___ ||
C1 >--|___|--+--||---.
| || |
| ===
Vout >----------. .--------+ GND
| | |
.-----. |
\+ -/ +-||
comparator \ / ->||
V +-||---.
| | |
| +1V |
.--o--. |
GND -|D S Q|-------------'
| |
Clk >---|> -| ___
| R Q|---|___|--+-----> Flow
'--o--' |

Don Lancaster

Robert said:
Transistors have been used for ages (>40 years i think) to generate
log (and anti-log functions).
For temp tracking, use a superpair (by National) and use one for
reference (emulating log(k) where k is some non-zero constant) and

Use a cubic spline.

Many thanks,

Don Lancaster voice phone: (928)428-4073
Synergetics 3860 West First Street Box 809 Thatcher, AZ 85552
rss: email: [email protected]

Please visit my GURU's LAIR web site at