Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Noiseless mode for hardware.


Michael A. Terrell

rpl said:
wild guess... "computer architecture" :)

OP, a bit of masking tape applied where the doors fit should drop the
humming down, likewise a couple well placed grommets... of course you
haven't said if you actually like the humming or not.

The hum is in SkyDuck's empty head so he needs two full rolls of Duck
Tape and a helper to wrap his head with the Duck Tape, till the hum

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida

Alex Colvin

The case is resonating.
well, then, the challange is to control the fans to make it hum a tune!

if there's no direct fan control, you'll have to modulate CPU workload
to vary the temperature.

Sjouke Burry

Skybuck said:
The case is resonating.

It creates a humming sound.

It's the fans that cause the case to slighty resonate and hum.

The humming goes away if I press the case doors against each other or
against the casing or whatever.

But after a while the humming returns !

Simple solution: Add some weight to the resonating surface,
That changes the resonant frequency, voila! problem gone!
There is some sticky stuff used in cars, to dampen vibrations.


found some adhesived semi plastique sheet stuff used on house construction
to weatherproof window frames .

applied over the tyvek, but under the siding, just before the window frame
is installed to ensure positive weather e seal.

about 1/16 inch thick, very heavy and flexible.

perfect vibration/sound dampener and electrically non-conductive.

easily scissored to any shape or dimension
you have no idea of what is noise is. power supply noise? fan noise ?modulation noise.? for a fast PC there is going to be heat. while a machine language sits at one or a zero there is very little heat involved. And finaly the CPU CAN PROCES GIGA OF BITS. The PC CANNOT process the information at this rate. MY good machine processes data at 400mhz why because i buy machines that i understand and the motherboard design is more critical then CPU speed actualy i am waiting for a 128 bit word PC That will be faster yet.there is power managment available to you to reduce heat just learn how to inplement those feutures.


Skybuck said:
The case is resonating.

It creates a humming sound.

It's the fans that cause the case to slighty resonate and hum.

The humming goes away if I press the case doors against each other or
against the casing or whatever.

But after a while the humming returns !


I'm in the process of modifying an old PC case to accept a single air duct. A
high quality squirrel cage blower in its own case, sitting on the floor, will
deliver filtered air through a flexible hose (sump pump hose) to the PC case.
This fan, purchased surplus about 12 years ago, moves a lot of air is very
quiet, much quieter than any made-for-PC fan I've ever had. I expect it will
put the entire PC case at a considerable positive pressure relative to the room,
even though "caulking" all PC case cracks and slots and such won't be

For a while, after its finished, I'll monitor 7 - maybe 8 - areas/surfaces with
a string of DS1820 digital thermometers ..... just for grins.

Skybuck Flying

Ok, screws tightened a bit.

And doors pushed against case again.

Humming almost complete gone, as good as gone.

Let's see how long it lasts ;)


Skybuck Flying

Hmm since the tightening of the screw now a high pitch noise/humming.

Not good... gotta loose the screw a bit for less high pitch humming.

See screwing in screws tight BAD IDEA ! ;)


Skybuck Flying

Yup, as soon as I loosened the screw a bit to high pitching humming became
less !


Frank Kohlbrok

Skybuck said:

We all want fast computers, fast games, fast software etc.

But sometimes we might want quite computers as well, when working with less
intensive software.

So I propose hardware is extended with a noiseless mode.

When the user puts the computer via the software into "noiseless" mode the
computer should use minimal resources to become "noiseless".

For example a 5.0 GHZ processor could turn into 1 GHZ processor maybe even
500 GHZ or maybe even slower than that.

Harddisks become slower, everything should become slower, and therefore
hopefully more power efficient.

The hardware could even use alternative circuitry printed on a different
nano scale to consume less power in "noiseless" mode.

The goal is to bring the PC, back into the 80486 age when cpu's didn't
require heatsinks and fans, and the same goes for motherboards, harddisks,
memory chips, and graphics cards.

So that fans can be disabled.

To get a totally quite pc !? ;)

When i remember my old 386... it wasnt silent... the harddisks and power
supplies were very loud!! Its easy to get a silent pc. All you need are
the right components. Use Silentmaxx cases, power supplies and harddisk
cases. A mainboard with heatpipes instead a fan, a cooler below 20db for
the cpu, a graficadapter with passive cooling and you will hear nearly
nothing from your pc, without lowering the power of it. And to reduce
the noise from your optical drive use a software tool, to lower its
speed. I have built computers you dont hear.


Skybuck said:
Yup, as soon as I loosened the screw a bit to high pitching humming
became less !


I know the fix - hammer a six inch nail firmly into each ear, that should
stop the humming.



You sure one of your cooling fans doesn't have a bad bearing? On my system
there are 7 fans in all and one of them was, indeed, bad.

With the cover off, you may want to "feel" (I used one of my wife's plastic
knitting needles) each fan for vibration, at its center.