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Maker Pro

no of pin issue- smart card chip( 6 or 8 contacts) and microcontroller(40 pin)?

Good Evening to all,
I am a student of computer science.. for last some some days i am stuck in something, In this time i am working over smart card technology, there i saw a chip, which is a kind of microcontroller { i attached a pic for this } . I read also about microcontroller 8051 because it is widely used, this microcontroller have 40 pins ...

the smart card chip only have 6 or 8 contacts or pins, so i am confused what about remaining pins present in microcontroller, Is chip contacts are the pin of microcontroller?
People say that - In smart card only 5 pin (vcc, vpp, grnd, i/o,reset) are required that why other microcontroller pin omitted.
please share your knowledge with me, and let me know if anything u want to ask

Note- i attaced two pic, a microntroller or chip here.


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Good evening and welcome to the forums.

First off, I would like to say that there are many different types of smart cards, the majority are generally designed for information storage and secure access (like a SIM card in a GSM based mobile phone). Some government bodies also use them for information storage, such as the U.S. Government issues military ID badges with smart cards in them that not only allow the person access to resources (such as a computer or a room in a building), but they also hold the medical records of the person as well.

The particular micro controller that you have attached a picture of, is probably not the one that is at the center of the smart card. Generally the smart card's only function is to allow storage of information, and more than likely, it is just basically a EPROM that is at the center of the smart card.

Just out of curiously what is your project or research specifically on?

Good evening and welcome to the forums.

First off, I would like to say that there are many different types of smart cards, the majority are generally designed for information storage and secure access (like a SIM card in a GSM based mobile phone). Some government bodies also use them for information storage, such as the U.S. Government issues military ID badges with smart cards in them that not only allow the person access to resources (such as a computer or a room in a building), but they also hold the medical records of the person as well.

The particular micro controller that you have attached a picture of, is probably not the one that is at the center of the smart card. Generally the smart card's only function is to allow storage of information, and more than likely, it is just basically a EPROM that is at the center of the smart card.

Just out of curiously what is your project or research specifically on?

thanks for your response but still i did not get my answer, my company is working for security and we use IS0/IEC 7816 standard. Here we use ACS reader to read the card.... There are multiple type of card but we use microcontroller card because we not only keep data in the chip , also we provide security for data, We create file system in the chip and then keep data inside it { at a fixed place },...
so here we use microcontroller which have ram, rom, eeprom and etc.
when i start reading microcontroller , i got 8051microcontroller is best used and it have 40 pin, but the chip only have 8 contacts, so i am confused bout pin in microcontroller { i paste the pic } and contacts in chip, because 8 not equal to 40..
sir I am a beginner , i am not electronics student , i am a s/w developer..... but i want to know about this.
my sir told me - the chip { i paste here which have 8 contacts -c1 to c8} is a microcontroller which have only 8 pin, other pin are omitted because that was not require here........
is my sir is right? I tried to explain what is my question ? if u have any query then let me know
Well I do know that not all of the pins on the microcontroller are required, the majority of the I/O pins are not necessarily required.

VCC, GND, and CLK are definatly required, that I can tell you, there will also be some sort of data bus, those would be the ones that I know.... possibly the reset (RST) pin. Other than that, this particular microcontroller also appears to have 4 parallel port buses with interrupts on them all as well... there is a bit to this particular microcontroller.

From what I can gather you are trying to accomplish with this, it is true, you will not need all of the pins. However, that stated, I do not know all of the pins you will need to complete the task. Hopefully someone else will chime in here.

The 8051 is an archaic microcontoller. Microcontrollers today range from 6 pins to hundredes of pins depending on how much I/O they need. Look up PIC and AVR for examples of modern micontrollers. These chips have basically everything you need on board: program memory, data ram, eeprom, oscillator, and peripherials like A/D converters, timers, PWM, comparators, etc, so they need only enough pins to supply power and to control I/O lines.



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they need only enough pins to supply power and to control I/O lines.

I believe power supply and programming pins define the minimum number of pins (the programming pins are almost always able to be used -- in sometimes limited fashion -- as I/O pins).

Of course if you had a mask programmed device, 2 (or more usefully, 3) pins would be a minimum.
The 8051 is an archaic microcontoller. Microcontrollers today range from 6 pins to hundredes of pins depending on how much I/O they need. Look up PIC and AVR for examples of modern micontrollers. These chips have basically everything you need on board: program memory, data ram, eeprom, oscillator, and peripherials like A/D converters, timers, PWM, comparators, etc, so they need only enough pins to supply power and to control I/O lines.

really thanks for your precious words!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!