Maker Pro
Maker Pro

NMEA mutiplexer

  • Thread starter Gabriel Latrémouille
  • Start date

Gabriel Latrémouille

Has anyone connected several NMEA devices together?
Here is what I am planning.

GPS NMEA output to
1-PC-serial port for navigation software
2-radar to display next waypoint on radar

multiple NMEA capable instruments to
- PC for display within navigation software

Any comments suggestions appreciated




there a company called marine electronic supplies (MES) and i think
there in southampton, but i moght be wrong. they do a box called an nema
splitter, feed a gps in and you can get anywhere from 2 to lots and lots
of outputs, think they start around £200,


Vic Fraenckel


I just had a look at the ShipModul site and read the info concerning both
the VirtualPlex-1 software and the MiniPlex-41USB. Both sounded VERY
interesting. Could you tell me if purchasing the MiniPlex-41USB includes the
VirtualPlex-1 S/W? Is the S/W usable without the hardware? Lots of people
seem to be having trouble simply attaching a GPS receiver to their laptops
because they have no serial ports anymore. It seems to me that the
VirtualPlex-1 SW solves that problem as well.

Any enlightenment will be appreciated.




Victor Fraenckel - The Windman
vfraenc1 ATSIGN nycap DOT rr DOTcom

Home of the WindReader Electronic Theodolite
Read the WIND

"Victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory however long
and hard the road may be; for without victory there is no survival."
- Winston [Leonard Spencer] Churchill (1874 - 1965)

Dost thou not know, my son, with how little wisdom the world is governed?
-Count Oxenstierna (ca 1620) to the young King Gustavus Adolphus

Glenn Ashmore

There was a write up in this month's Ocean Navigator. Thus far only 5
products have been fully certified but another 40 are in the process.
Teleflex has a full line of CANbus engine controls. One thing for sure,
it will be more expensive. The prices for just the cable connectors is
outrageous and no doubt we will end up eating our share of the
certification costs. NMEA charges an arm and a leg for almost
everything they do like that.

Meindert said:
Well, it's pretty expensive to get NMEA2000 running for the first product.
All standards, testsuites and manufacter- and product ID for the first
product sets you back for $10,500. So I'll stick to NMEA 0183 for a while

As far as I see it, only the big guys go for NMEA2000.


Glenn Ashmore

I'm building a 45' cutter in strip/composite. Watch my progress (or lack
there of) at:
Shameless Commercial Division: