Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Nichrome wire help

Goes without saying that you should have a fuse but not for control of the heat, rather to protect against faults.

Now is where things start to get more complicated and, as larger currents are involved, more expensive.

To begin with you need to measure the current that the circuit is drawing to get some idea of the size of any switching or voltage drop devices.

This hit and miss method you are using could go on for years which is why theory was invented. One alternative is make it variable.

Do you mean a variable resistor?


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
No. I'd use a pair of pliers.

If it's getting too hot then make the wire longer. That will increase the resistance, lower the current, thus the total power (along with the power per unit length) and therefore reduce the temperature.

If you need the same amount of heat, but the wire is getting too hot, then you need multiple (n) lengths of wire, n times longer, all placed in parallel.
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No. I'd use a pair of pliers.

If it's getting too hot then make the wire longer. That will increase the resistance, lower the current, thus the total power (along with the power per unit length) and therefore reduce the temperature.

If you need the same amount of heat, but the white is getting too hot, then you need multiple (n) lengths of wire, n times longer, all placed in parallel.

Ok, thanks. Means I will need to order some more silicone sheet and more wire but sounds like the only way to go.
Not the only way but most likely the simpler and cheaper alternative.

Alternative involves pulse width modulation and (relatively) high current switching devices.
There are Some on my Website as Projects and have some Kits Available.
But I Don't actually build them as a Finished Product.

If you buy One, It needs to be made for 12 Volts and capable of delivering the required Current to your Nichrome wire.

Curious, What kind of Silicone are you using to Handle the Heat?


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
The PWM controller is fine if you want to reduce the temperature of the wire and also the total amount of heat.