Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Need help using Nichrome wire for a foam cutter

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It's not rocket science just simple E=IR.
So the Op can see easily, I have shown 2 examples below.
The nichrome is represented by series resistor values and how the change in length or nichrome wire diameter changes this resistance.
Then how to increase the voltage to overcome the difference.Example_2.jpg Example_1.jpg Example_2.jpg Example_2.jpg
mmm...well, I've never seen anyone twist cutter wire lengths together to get to the end result.
Too much mucking around and the result is at best, iffy.
Simple matter to supply a transformer of appropriate size for maximum expected (as I've already quoted) and control the output quite easily through a simple off-the-shelf 400VA light dimmer.
Advantage is immediately obvious when one starts a new untried cut.
Don't know why you have to complicate matters.
Since when is it a complication to give some one an option? I didn't slam Colin's method; it will work. Not knowing anything about Ian....he might be a 13 year old kid with that "little knowledge" that Colin implied that I had. Then to suggest to this person to use a lamp dimmer that runs off the mains (and I haven't seen any that are isolated) is unbelievable. But I didn't blast anyone. Colin did blast me. He was incorrect and quite rude.
I have used twisted nichrome. I needed a wire than would hold it's shape, so I could perform compound curve cuts. I twisted it together. It worked quite well for that and for freehand sculpting.
My method to get from A to B wasn't rubbish, but 3 of you ( at least two of which are VIP members) said I was wrong. Not wrong just a different solution that may have been more expedient and less expensive for Ian and certainly less dangerous.
When you're wrong admit it like a man.
I'm sorry I stepped into this forum, because it's not a forum;you don't want to hear ideas that don't agree with yours. It's a fiefdom; clearly a mutual admiration society.
I have been a contributor to this forum for several years and have had a certain amount of criticism but have learned to accept it and try not to exceed my knowledge. I keep away from computers, it is 40 years since I programmed one.
Most contributors are polite and knowledgible and help newcomers as best they can. The trouble is that we know nothing about the contributors capability. There is no excuse for being rude.
As for being a mutual admiration society, I think this is true, some know about circuitry, some know about fundamental principles and some can find the needle in the internet haystack.
Some give incorrect information but that is the risk you get when working on the net.
Please stay with us, we need your experience.



and with that good comment from duke37

and also with no other comments from the OP .... he's probably been scared off with all the comments

Please try and stay civil people :)

I will close the thread
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