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Maker Pro

News: Wrong security code



Jackcsg said:
I didn't see anything on their web site about cancel signals, just their
"enhanced call verification".
What's your typically policy on cancel signals Mark? Do you guys use them?
Or anybody for that matter.
I didn't see anything either.
But, their online price estimator is an eyeopener for anyone expecting a
low price on a full >system. Try comparing a residential alarm you sell to
what it would cost from >ADT...interesting!

ADT is not in my league, so I seldom see comparison's. I used to tell people
that their average sale was around $800.00 from their "get me in the door"
$99.00 deals. An old (ex) ADT Branch manager told me their average sale.
I send cancels. It drops dispatch priority down a notch. We know someone is
there with "A" >code, but is it the cleaning lady that they fired 2 months
ago or what?

I send cancels, and o/c reports (if Internet Connected). I don't see too
many user activations as typically they don't physically get through the
door if their not allowed.

Hey Rob, off topic, have you seen the cut sheets on the new 7000 series
keypads from DMP?
They are know available. The 7063 has a built-in reader, much like the 793,
but with no zone inputs, reader input, relay output, or big cost. I'm going
to order a couple monday and have a look at them.


Yes, cancel codes seems to be common practice in our area. But ADT (at least
in our area) don't seem to use cancel codes. Since they are so huge, they
likely don't want to see cancel codes coming in from their 5 million
customers, because this would undoubtably increase their staffing costs on
the boards dramatically. So typically what they do here is program a 30
second delay before transmission (even with the risks that entails...). But
if the signals do come in beyond that period, they only call the home, THEN
dispatch, then continue down the customer calling list. In our area, this
causes untold false alarms - so much so, that local police forces (as I'm
told) automatically treat every ADT dispatch as a false alarm.

My partner company called me up the other day to tell me that he finally got
rid of the last of his clients on ADT's station, having swung them over to
the local station we both use. He invited me out for a drink to celebrate. I
still have 16 to go....:((((


Robert L. Bass

My partner company called me up the other day to tell me that he finally
got rid of the last of his clients on ADT's station, having swung them
over to the local station we both use. He invited me out for a drink to
celebrate. I still have 16 to go....:((((

Sixteen drinks or sixteen accounts? :^)


Hahaha....sixteen accounts.....but'll be worth 16 drinks to rid
myself of them. I'll buy him 16 drinks when I swing the last account


Robert L. Bass

Hahaha....sixteen accounts.....but'll be
worth 16 drinks to rid myself of them. I'll buy
him 16 drinks when I swing the last account over.....

Better yet, bring him and the wives down to Sarasota to celebrate.

BTW, although as you know I have no patience with the kind of fast-buck scum
who wrecked the "authorized dealer" program, I've no quarrel with ADT
corporate. In southern New England where I worked for many years they did
mostly decent and some really exceptional work, especially on large
commercial projects. It's unfortunate that people don't always recognize
the difference.


Robert L Bass

Bass Home Electronics
2291 Pine View Circle
Sarasota · Florida · 34231
877-722-8900 Sales & Tech Support


The corporate side is way out of my area of interest or knowledge so I can't
comment one way or the other. I only go by what I see in the residential
arena. And I don't like what I see by any stretch of the imagination. I hope
J. Shoud is right that the new Canadian exec is going to clean up ADT's
residential act. I do try to see both sides of an issue, and I do try to
always be fair about things, but IMO, they are the very worst of what our
industry has to offer. Maybe it's a good thing there is such a disconnect
between the troops on the street and their top executive. If they ever got
their act together, they really might become competition, high prices or

There ARE lots of the blue signs popping up everywhere in the newer
residential neighbourhoods. So they must either be doing things right, or
there are enough stupid people or lazy shoppers around that choose to buy
their drastically overpriced services. Around here, the hordes of amateurs
with their free signs are continually bombarding people door to door until
they just wear people down I other way to explain why people
would buy such a serious service from rank amateurs....

Either way, it doesn't matter to me. As soon as they realize how expensive
their system is over the longer term, their clients come to me and others
like me for more reasonable prices. And like I said, I'll soon be rid of
their monitoring station as soon as I can move these last few clients.

Glad to see you back on the newsgroup. It was getting downright tame and
uninteresting without you......:)))


Group Moderator

R.H.Campbell said:
Glad to see you back on the newsgroup. It was getting downright tame and
uninteresting without you......:)))


Explain this????

Crash Gordon®

Jackcsg said:
low price on a full >system. Try comparing a residential alarm you sell to
what it would cost from >ADT...interesting!

ADT is not in my league, so I seldom see comparison's. I used to tell people
that their average sale was around $800.00 from their "get me in the door"
$99.00 deals. An old (ex) ADT Branch manager told me their average sale.
They are much higher now, according to their web!...great news btw.

One of their regional managers came to work for me abt 10 years ago...he told me that their out the door price was closer to 1400 back then. He worked for me for abt 6 years then went to DMP as a rep because he got divorced and didn't want to stay in town.

there with "A" >code, but is it the cleaning lady that they fired 2 months
ago or what?

I send cancels, and o/c reports (if Internet Connected). I don't see too
many user activations as typically they don't physically get through the
door if their not allowed.

I don't send o/c's on residential unless they are snow birds. I send unsupervised o/c's on ALL commercial at no's worth it for me for liability sake. If they want reports or supervision then I charge for it.
Hey Rob, off topic, have you seen the cut sheets on the new 7000 series
keypads from DMP?
They are know available. The 7063 has a built-in reader, much like the 793,
but with no zone inputs, reader input, relay output, or big cost. I'm going
to order a couple monday and have a look at them.

YES !! I've been using them for a few months. I love 'em. Much crisper key stroke response. Takes a little getting used to the 'stylish' appearence though...and since the top is not straight you can't put a level on them (minor annoyance). You're gonna like them! I still use the 690's too though - with the 690's you can make your own private cant with the 706x's. The 7000's do have a nice big bright red armed light too...really big :) AND you don't have to cut out the middle emergency key tag if you don't use medical..each emergency decal is separate.

I can't wait to see the new Glass Keypad...they haven't even released a decent pix yet..they're waiting for the ISC.

Crash Gordon®

Yah, I always notice that ADT programs a dialer delay.
I wonder what ADT's phone bill would be if they tested every alarm daily? ouch!

Mark Leuck

Yah, I always notice that ADT programs a dialer delay.
I wonder what ADT's phone bill would be if they tested every alarm daily?

While it often can be disabled ADT usually does have a dialer delay because
the panel comes programmed with that feature. It is a part of the SIA

The phone bill won't be the problem, receiver capacity will

Mark Leuck

Group Moderator said:
Explain this????

I could be wrong here but I think that means RH is glad to see RLB back
because the newsgroup is boring

Then again it could mean a couple of hundred other things

(in case RH has GM filtered)


Nah ! I only filter objectionable, vulgar, or hateful people. MM is just
more white noise like Paul....:)))

And yes, frankly Mark, the ng was getting a little boring there for awhile
with nothing much in the way of security related discussions going on. But
now that RLB is back, things are picking up....


Mark Leuck

R.H.Campbell said:
Nah ! I only filter objectionable, vulgar, or hateful people. MM is just
more white noise like Paul....:)))

And yes, frankly Mark, the ng was getting a little boring there for awhile
with nothing much in the way of security related discussions going on. But
now that RLB is back, things are picking up....


Tom Fowler once told me if RLB ever left the newsgroup he'd drag him back in
just for the entertainment value, I tend to agree with that :)


Well it seems that Tom Fowler is the one that has left.....


Robert L. Bass

Glad to see you back on the newsgroup.
It was getting downright tame and
uninteresting without you......:)))

Thanks Bob. Brazil was great but a series of minor medical issues
culminating in the flu complicated life for the past few weeks. Anyway, I'm
on the mend and should be 100% in another day or two. I'm looking forward
to April when I'll be taking my sister, my aunt and my mom down with me.
We're fixing up the condo for sale... going to buy a bigger place a little
closer to the water. You can now get high speed (well 300kBd anyway)
Internet service in the newer condo buildings. That's fast enough to
support VoIP which will allow me to work in either country. I know all the
guys will be relieved to know I won't be absent from the newsgroup. Heh,
heh, heh... :^)

Robert L. Bass

Well it seems that Tom Fowler is the one that has left.....

No loss. He hasn't contributed anything of value in years.


Robert L Bass

Bass Home Electronics
2291 Pine View Circle
Sarasota · Florida · 34231
877-722-8900 Sales & Tech Support