Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Newbie Soldering Station

Hello All

Starting Electronics lab in my shed and looking to buy soldering station. Have had a few cheap soldering irons in the past but would like to get a reliable station for Hobby use. (Will be wiring up inside of a pinball machine in the near future, plus general soldering fun with my son). I can stretch to £80-90. Saw this Hakko but I am pretty sure it is a fake ( the bottom section has space for an allen key)

Don't mind copies as long as they work properly, but above is not really that much of a bargain
Seller has assured me it is genuine Hakko but added it is not certified by Hakko. Which sounds dodgy.

Any recommendations.

Are these any good / reliable?

Thanks for help and advice.

Hakko's are very good soldering stations. Buy one from a reputable store. The extra £10 could be a real money saver!!
Contact these here, they are UK based and say "only genuine"..I have never heard of them though..
Or look online for Mouser, RS, Digikey to name a few.

Thanks for this. I cant seem to find a genuine Hakko for less than £120 , so that may make it outside my budget. Would welcome any suggestions on any units at £80 or so.
Hi Lou,
buying off Ebay is a gamble. I would message the seller through Ebay asking him/her to guarantee it's the genuine item. And pay with Paypal.
When you order it, there is a section for your comments.. Stipulate that you are buying a genuine item or it will be returned at their expense.
At least with your evidence of communication, Paypal will refund very quickly.
But, there are just as many genuine sellers as there are fakers/scammers. So what you buy could also be genuine too.
The genuine seller wont hesitate answering questions or supplying additional photos. I suggest you try it and see what happens..
Seller has assured me it is genuine Hakko but added it is not certified by Hakko. Which sounds dodgy.
Steer clear from these types of answers.. Clearly hiding something..

Thanks Martin. Sound advise re Ebay. Having looked at the sites you recommended , I just cant believe a genuine Hakko will be found for less than £115 or so. So since I am pretty sure Ebay Hakko is a fake, will leave it alone. Even with Paypal protection, it is a waste of time.
So only question is do I pay the extra for Hakko or is there a decent Station around within my budget.
.Thanks again.
Lou, only you can answer that.
If you can stretch the budget or save a little longer and buy in two weeks or so, you wont regret buying the Hakko.
Do what I do!!
Ask for early christmas and birthday presents because the price will never be the same again..Got to get it now at that price price etc.. Works a treat!!:D
Others here may have a better idea though..

Thanks Martin,
You helped me make up my mind, dont think I will bother with the Ebay Hakko, no matter what assurances the seller gives me. By the way I noticed that the seller responded in early hours of the morning, which probably means they are based in far east, even though item location is UK, and UK stock advertised.
So it looks like £120 or so for Hakko in a few weeks. Unless someone can suggest a lower priced alternative . (then after that the Multimeter question :) )
thanks again for your help.
Hopefully somebody will chip in here with a cheaper supplier..
Or a different model to look at.. But the Hakko price is really quite good and has an excellent reputation.
Lets see what others say!..

I've used this company for over 10 years now, very good to order from, prices reasonable as well. They do a few good quality soldering stations. I use the Antex 18 and 15 watt electric irons, also purchased the Gascat 120 from them. Have a look ! There very prompt service.