Maker Pro
Maker Pro

New House Alarm - Am I locked out?

now you want us to believe you don't have access to the contract you
signed when you bought the house either? OK, now I get it. does your
mommy know you are on the computer?
Listen enough tit for tat.

The contract for the home has absolutely nothing to do with the alarm
company. The home contract transferred the land, home itself, and all
contents to me. All items were guaranteed functional for a period of
1 year, and labor put into making our requested changes for a period
of 90 days. The contract included wording for the alarm and garage
door opener, which was added at our request. Why keep pulling up old
posts? If tit for tat is what you call you repeatedly insulting me
and me calmly explaining why you're wrong, then yes, that's enough.
you got maybe the best advise earlier in
the thread. just send the board off to be unlocked. if it is a working
board that is not damaged in some way it will probably come back with
all the programming intact. all you will have to do is hook it back up
and bingo, you will have a working security system with a default access
code. which you will then change to keep out unauthorized access just
like the evil alarmco. no fuss no muss. unless it has already been
damaged in which case you will have a damaged board with a default
access code. in which case you will have to buy a new board and learn
how to program it. welcome to the world of alarm contracting. so maybe
instead of this shot in the dark approach you will buy a new system
altoghether and install it and learn to program it.
you know it might just be easier to get a real alarmco to do this and
just get it done. Try Guardian. I hear they're good. ;)

Wow, that was a big diversion. So now you're suggesting I send off a
board you claim I can't own in order to lock out who you claim must be
the rightful owners? I'm surprised, given your dozen or so posts of
plus you know for sure they won't be giving out you're private info to
anybody, right.:)

Yes, I particularly like how they protect the private info on their
blank contracts.


The contract for the home has absolutely nothing to do with the alarm

you really are confused aren't you.
if you will look above you will see that you wrote "then I should be
going after the seller of the house for selling me a system he didn't
to which I said "maybe, maybe not. again, read the contract. did you
buy the house as is?" [this means read the contract from where you
bought the house to see if the owner screwed you]
See where I said nothing about the alarm company?
The home contract transferred the land, home itself, and all
contents to me. All items were guaranteed functional for a period of
1 year, and labor put into making our requested changes for a period
of 90 days. The contract included wording for the alarm and garage
door opener, which was added at our request. Why keep pulling up old
posts? If tit for tat is what you call you repeatedly insulting me
and me calmly explaining why you're wrong, then yes, that's enough.

Ok, so if I'm wrong that industry standard contract wording states that
the COMPANY retains ownership of the part that contains the PROPRIETARY
INFORMATION [which I'm not] then why don't you have a working system?
ANSWER: I'm not wrong!
Wow, that was a big diversion. So now you're suggesting I send off a
board you claim I can't own in order to lock out who you claim must be
the rightful owners?

even hand holding doesn't help you, does it.
I'm surprised, given your dozen or so posts of

Listen if you don't like my advise don't pay for it. Go get a lawyer
and pay him to tell you what I already have. Then grow a pair and
report back that I was right all along.
Yes, I particularly like how they protect the private info on their
blank contracts.

If you want one so bad just sign up and get one. Again nobody has to do
anything you want just because you want them to. They don't have to
give you free service or a free contract. That freedom stuff cuts both
ways. Are you a commy? You think Bass will give you a free board? No
he will just help you bad mouth legit alarmcos. good luck

Robert L Bass

You didn't miss anything. I don't know where he got that idea. They
read the contract einstein. you don't
own the part that contains the proprietary
info. ie the board.

that's because they own it and can do
as they like with their property.

Nope. It belongs to the homeowner.
This alarm company is dishonest.


Robert L Bass

Bass Home Electronics
4883 Fallcrest Circle
Sarasota · Florida · 34233

Robert L Bass

It's like you're just pulling this stuff out
of thin air...

That's an old newsgroup tactic which is
commonplace in ASA. Make an absurd
assimption and then argue the merits as
though it was a proven fact.
In any case, why are you so threatened
by this?

That is also a common thread in ASA.


Robert L Bass

Bass Home Electronics
4883 Fallcrest Circle
Sarasota · Florida · 34233

Robert L Bass

I don't believe it matters what the original
alarm contract did or didn't state, you are
not a party to that contract. Your source
of relief, if you deem it worth pursuing would
be the seller of the home unless he/she disclosed that the alarm system was either
excluded from the sale or that it was non-
functional. The seller in turn may be able to
obtain relief from the party that sold him/her
the alarm...

All of the above is true.
I doubt the alarm company has
any legal obligation to you.

That is also true and unfortunately the alarm
company cares nothing about their moral
obligation. This customer has been victimized
by a crooked alarm company and there's
not much he can do about it save let others
know. To that end I suggest he write letters
to the local and state newspapers' consumer
advocate desks. He should do the same with
the local TV news stations. If even one of
them decides to publish the story the alarm
company might help him out just to avoid
the bad publicity. They obviously are only
motivated by what affects their purse strings.
A nice editorial about a crooked alarm
contractor ought to work wonders.


Robert L Bass

Bass Home Electronics
4883 Fallcrest Circle
Sarasota · Florida · 34233
The contract for the home has absolutely nothing to do with the alarm

you really are confused aren't you.
if you will look above you will see that you wrote "then I should be
going after the seller of the house for selling me a system he didn't
to which I said "maybe, maybe not. again, read the contract. did you
buy the house as is?" [this means read the contract from where you
bought the house to see if the owner screwed you]
See where I said nothing about the alarm company?

Well I apologize for misunderstanding you. Every post you made up to
this point was about the contract with the alarm company, so it's not
surprising I assumed that's still what you were talking about.
The home contract transferred the land, home itself, and all
contents to me. All items were guaranteed functional for a period of
1 year, and labor put into making our requested changes for a period
of 90 days. The contract included wording for the alarm and garage
door opener, which was added at our request. Why keep pulling up old
posts? If tit for tat is what you call you repeatedly insulting me
and me calmly explaining why you're wrong, then yes, that's enough.

Ok, so if I'm wrong that industry standard contract wording states that
the COMPANY retains ownership of the part that contains the PROPRIETARY
INFORMATION [which I'm not] then why don't you have a working system?
ANSWER: I'm not wrong!

So you say. You still have no idea for certain what happened and the
company involved is itself specifically and in no uncertain terms
telling me otherwise.
even hand holding doesn't help you, does it.

What would then qualify as abandoned? In researching this, I found at
least a handful of threads where the alarm company later wanted their
equipment back and when the owner couldn't provide it years later, the
company billed them for its replacement. And I don't know where
you're getting all this "you can't force them to do stuff" nonsense.
I asked them, I offered to pay them, they said 'no', and I stopped
talking to them. Do you see "tried to force" anywhere in there? This
goes for the contract stuff below as well.
If you want one so bad just sign up and get one. Again nobody has to do
anything you want just because you want them to. They don't have to
give you free service or a free contract. That freedom stuff cuts both
ways. Are you a commy? You think Bass will give you a free board? No
he will just help you bad mouth legit alarmcos. good luck

See above. Also, I would have offered to reimburse their time and
postage to send their standard blank contract, but it never got that
far. You're acting like I was expecting to get something for free all
along, and this was never the case. Even as far back as the first
page you can see that I offered to pay for their time and was
rebuffed. I went out of my way to determine ownership of the system.
Either you're right and they're lying to me, or they're right being
obtuse about correcting it, and at this point I could care less which
option is correct as it would be stupid to use their service given
their behavior. It sounds more like you have an axe to grind with
Robert that I expect you should take up with him directly.


Well I apologize for misunderstanding you. Every post you made up to
this point was about the contract with the alarm company, so it's not
surprising I assumed that's still what you were talking about.
Ok, so if I'm wrong that industry standard contract wording states that
the COMPANY retains ownership of the part that contains the PROPRIETARY
INFORMATION [which I'm not] then why don't you have a working system?
ANSWER: I'm not wrong!

So you say.

I'm sitting here looking at 4 different contracts and they all have that
clause in them.
You still have no idea for certain what happened and the
company involved is itself specifically and in no uncertain terms
telling me otherwise.

here you say its yours. earlier you said you couldn't unlock it because
it's not yours. look I've don't have a dog in the fight. I was just
trying to explain it to you from a legal standpoint. if you don't want
to believe it , OK, don't. But the advise I gave you about what to do
is still valid. Good Luck
yep just like I said, badmouthing legit alarmcos with bad information.
you haven't read standard alarm contract wording either lately have you.
kinda like the RJ31X DSL filters that you knew nothing about.
I'd be careful listening to this felon.

Gotta tell ya... his looks a WHOLE lot better than Guardian's, who
have nearly 3 times the number of complaints and a larger percentage

And that's just the main PA branch. It looks like some of the local
branches also have 30+ complaints. During the search, though, I found
that there is literally a local dealer 5 minutes from here with no
complaints that wasn't listed on their main web site. It might be
worth popping in to see if it's a sales-type store or a monitoring
location and get an answer once and for all. I imagine it's more
likely they'll give me a straight answer than the phone peons from
corporate I've been dealing with.
here you say its yours. earlier you said you couldn't unlock it because
it's not yours. look I've don't have a dog in the fight. I was just
trying to explain it to you from a legal standpoint. if you don't want
to believe it , OK, don't. But the advise I gave you about what to do
is still valid. Good Luck

They've always said it's mine. Every single time I've talked to
them. Over and Over. I never said anywhere in the 150 posts here
that I couldn't unlock it because it's not mine. YOU said it's not
mine and suggested I unlock it, which I then said would be theft of
Guardian's property if you're right as you claim to be. I think it is
you who cannot keep up. My exact words were, in fact, "Wow, that was
a big diversion. So now you're suggesting I send off a board you
claim I can't own in order to lock out who you claim must be the
rightful owners?" You're twisting words around to make what I
actually said fit into whatever random argument you feel like taking
on in that particular post.

All I'm saying is who am I supposed to believe? Some random internet
guy who claims to know all and calls people names while insulting
them, or the company itself? Not a tough choice, is it?
then why can't you use it?


That exact question triggers an escalation to the next support level
on their support lines. Unfortunately you get all the way to the top
without a solid answer. You do get service discount offers, though.

I brive a dus


That exact question triggers an escalation to the next support level
on their support lines. Unfortunately you get all the way to the top
without a solid answer. You do get service discount offers, though.<

The amount of time and energy you are wasting posting in the newsgroup
is beyond silly.
Spend a few bucks and have someone swap the damn panel OR if it's not
that high of a priority {as you have stated} then shut up about it
already. Funny how an alarm isn't a priority but dry humping a
newsgroup with your jackass commentary is.
Nobody gives a flying rat's cock about the ongoing banter between you
& Guardian. The play by play account is like nails on a chalkboard.
You have no contract with Guardian nor do they have one with you. When
you bought the home the system came AS IS. It is not Guardian's
responsibility to unlock the board for you. If you wanted the board
unlocked you should have addressed this particular issue with the
seller of the home PRIOR to closing. The previous owner was the one
who could have had Guardian unlock the board. Alarmco's are not
charitable organizations. They expect remuneration for services. If
their fee seems too high for you then go to another company.
If you are unwilling to replace the board, or find another company to
service it then please take your posts to alt.unrealisticbastard and
correspond with the rest of the people looking for something for
150+ posts of which half are industry professionals offering advice
and you're still hanging around looking for a different answer. Guess
what, porkchop? 2+2 will equal 4 every single time. All of the answers
have been laid at your feet and you're either too fucking stupid to
see them or too fucking pompous to make use of them.
I'm going with pompous. Go unpack the boxes you're surrounded by and
take your goofy act to the yellow pages.

And to the rest of you who are trying to give this shit kicking
cheapskate advice I'd suggest you stop wasting your time. Are you all
that fucking dumb? Seriously? Wake up you assclowns!
He is the type of guy we all fear getting calls from. The guy who just
bought a house with a system in it and would like the battery replaced
for under $12.00 but you can only do the service call before 7am on a
Sunday moring and please take your boots off before you enter the
home. Oh, and would it be ok if they pay you cash to avoid tax? Then
after you leave they call back to say you damaged their kitchen floor
when you bled on it after their dog bit you.

Someone Google Earth the lake closest to this guy's house and have him
go jump in it already.
I swear these fucking yuppy clowns could piss off Jesus if given
enough time.

And to the OP. Drink bleach you fucking dingleberry on the anus of


I said:
And to the rest of you who are trying to give advice I'd suggest you stop wasting your time. Are you all
that fucking dumb? Seriously? Wake up

Si, muchas gracias. senor
The amount of time and energy you are wasting posting in the newsgroup
is beyond silly.
Spend a few bucks and have someone swap the damn panel OR if it's not
that high of a priority {as you have stated} then shut up about it
already. Funny how an alarm isn't a priority but dry humping a
newsgroup with your jackass commentary is.
Nobody gives a flying rat's cock about the ongoing banter between you
& Guardian. The play by play account is like nails on a chalkboard.
You have no contract with Guardian nor do they have one with you. When
you bought the home the system came AS IS. It is not Guardian's
responsibility to unlock the board for you. If you wanted the board
unlocked you should have addressed this particular issue with the
seller of the home PRIOR to closing. The previous owner was the one
who could have had Guardian unlock the board. Alarmco's are not
charitable organizations. They expect remuneration for services. If
their fee seems too high for you then go to another company.
If you are unwilling to replace the board, or find another company to
service it then please take your posts to alt.unrealisticbastard and
correspond with the rest of the people looking for something for
150+ posts of which half are industry professionals offering advice
and you're still hanging around looking for a different answer. Guess
what, porkchop? 2+2 will equal 4 every single time. All of the answers
have been laid at your feet and you're either too fucking stupid to
see them or too fucking pompous to make use of them.
I'm going with pompous. Go unpack the boxes you're surrounded by and
take your goofy act to the yellow pages.

And to the rest of you who are trying to give this shit kicking
cheapskate advice I'd suggest you stop wasting your time. Are you all
that fucking dumb? Seriously? Wake up you assclowns!
He is the type of guy we all fear getting calls from. The guy who just
bought a house with a system in it and would like the battery replaced
for under $12.00 but you can only do the service call before 7am on a
Sunday moring and please take your boots off before you enter the
home. Oh, and would it be ok if they pay you cash to avoid tax? Then
after you leave they call back to say you damaged their kitchen floor
when you bled on it after their dog bit you.

Someone Google Earth the lake closest to this guy's house and have him
go jump in it already.
I swear these fucking yuppy clowns could piss off Jesus if given
enough time.

And to the OP. Drink bleach you fucking dingleberry on the anus of

Oh no! I keep tabs on the thread I started and post answers when
people ask me questions! How dare I! I should be hung from the
nearest post! I'm not looking for any different answer, as I got many
good solutions, and the thread was essentially over on the first
page. I don't think I've asked a question since about post 40.
Posters would ask me to get this or that piece of information either
here in the group or in private, and I'd let them know what happened.
I said I planned on replacing the board about 100 posts ago, so I'm
not sure what more you would like me to do for you. Action has
already been taken. Offers of help were appreciated and I'm going
through and thanking everyone personally. I'm sorry I offended you
for keeping current on a topic I started... and really, who is the one
being pompous here? It's certainly not me.

Robert L Bass

yep just like I said, badmouthing legit
alarmcos with bad information...

The alarm company in question ripped
off the homeowner. Sad that you think
that qualifies them as "legit."


Robert L Bass

Bass Home Electronics
4883 Fallcrest Circle
Sarasota · Florida · 34233

Robert L Bass

Gotta tell ya... his looks a WHOLE
lot better than Guardian's...

All but a couple of the complaints against
me were filed online by participants in this
newsgroup. One guy actually said that he
mailed $9,000 in cash. He cited an order
number that could never be generated by
our server. When I explained to the BBB
they refused to remove it though they
marked it as resolved because his email
was bogus.

One guy from Waco filed more than a
dozen of these bogus complaints. He was
an installer -- not a customer of mine.
The BBB will go to bat for merchants *if*
they join. Otherwise, they're a hanging


Robert L Bass

Bass Home Electronics
4883 Fallcrest Circle
Sarasota · Florida · 34233

Robert L Bass

They've always said it's mine...


He knows this. He doesn't believe what he's
saying. You don't need to convince him
you're right. He already knows it but prefers
to pretend otherwise.


Robert L Bass

Bass Home Electronics
4883 Fallcrest Circle
Sarasota · Florida · 34233

Robert L Bass

I'm sorry I offended you...

Oh, that's just Tom Fowler. He isn't
really offended. He just talks that way
until you buy him off with a dona...
er, I mean until you win him over with
charm and reason. :^)


Robert L Bass

Bass Home Electronics
4883 Fallcrest Circle
Sarasota · Florida · 34233


Robert said:
The alarm company in question ripped
off the homeowner. Sad that you think
that qualifies them as "legit."
how'd they do that if they don't have and have never had a business
relationship? now the previous homeowner might have ripped him off. but
I don't expect the facts to alter your spiel.
like I said you just badmouth legit alarmcos because you can't be one
what with that unfortunate felony conviction and all.