Maker Pro
Maker Pro

new dual NPN and PNP transistors



Hi John,
I don't know where the 'e' came from; I looked up the spelling. Yes, as
I heard the word, the 'w' is not like a long 'o' or 'u' but very short,
and the strong accent is on the 'E'.
Maybe you also had it in Germany where it would be "Erbsensuppe". They
usually throw in lots of 1/4" cubes of bacon that is often fried before
entering the soup.

Regards, Joerg

John Woodgate

(in said:
OK cleverclogs, now give us a phonetic rendering of "about" in the
Northern Irish version, say from round Lisburn...

Which street? (;-) I've had no opportunity to observe the local accents
in the north (or the south, for that matter).