Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Need Standby Sources For Mits CS-3135R

This one is dead with no click. Is there a site where I could download
the service manual? Any help with this is greatly appreciated. Thanks
The Howard Sams Company (In Indianapolis) publishes a a manual for
Model CS3125. It might be close enough to help you. Give them a call
and discuss it.


You shouldn't need a manual for a no-click problem. Follow the AC into
the chassis and you'll find a standby transformer either on the board
of mounted to the floor of the cabinet. You can also work back by
following the coil side of the relay back to it's DC source. Either
way you'll check the transormer, rectifiers and filters that provide
the 12 or 24 volts to the relay. Open primaries are not uncommon on


Leonard Caillouet

This one is dead with no click. Is there a site where I could download
the service manual? Any help with this is greatly appreciated. Thanks

You likely will not find this manual in electronic form for free. It was
only available in paper from Mitsubishi, so if anyone ever took the time to
scan it, they probably did it to make a buck.

I don't recall which on this set but there are only two likely sources.
Either the stby supply runs off of an idling main switching regulator or has
a traditional transformer and bridge rectifier. Tracing the ac line leads
to one or the other or both. Look for the rectifiers. In either case, the
ac or the switching signal has to be rectified.

Before you spend too much time you might want to make sure that you have an
ESR meter and learn how to find the leaky caps in these sets. Likely to
find that it needs a fistfull. Google Mitsubishi and capacitors...
