Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Need help with Nixie (NL-840 tube) clock design


Phil Nelson

So, we were out of state visiting relatives during Christmas week, then
returned home to find still more relatives camping out at our place. They
stayed for another week -- O joy :-(

When with drooping eyes we stumbled in from the airport to celebrate the
third (yes, third) Christmas gift opening, I found a handful of radio tube
boxes in my stocking, jumbled around with mints, chocolates, and whatnot.
"Cute -- garage sale crap," I thought, and put them aside.

Today I got around to looking at the handful and discovered six NIB National
NL-840 Nixie tubes, each including a base and matching IC chip.

I guess my brother-in-law's challenge is to make a Nixie clock. (He is an
actual "rocket scientist" -- a grey-haired guidance expert from Florida.)

Also in the stocking, and perhaps these are unrelated stuffers, 10 NIB
Miller coils: eight 3-10 mh (#9060), one 19khz (#1361) and one 38 khz

Anyway, the draggers are drawn. I need an NL-840-based Nixie clock plan, and
I need it now!

The ICs included with the Nixie tubes have the following markings:

NS8840N 122


Phil "doesn't do solid state" Nelson
Phil's Old Radios
To send me email, kindly visit

Eric Sears

So, we were out of state visiting relatives during Christmas week, then
returned home to find still more relatives camping out at our place. They
stayed for another week -- O joy :-(

When with drooping eyes we stumbled in from the airport to celebrate the
third (yes, third) Christmas gift opening, I found a handful of radio tube
boxes in my stocking, jumbled around with mints, chocolates, and whatnot.
"Cute -- garage sale crap," I thought, and put them aside.

Today I got around to looking at the handful and discovered six NIB National
NL-840 Nixie tubes, each including a base and matching IC chip.

I guess my brother-in-law's challenge is to make a Nixie clock. (He is an
actual "rocket scientist" -- a grey-haired guidance expert from Florida.)

Also in the stocking, and perhaps these are unrelated stuffers, 10 NIB
Miller coils: eight 3-10 mh (#9060), one 19khz (#1361) and one 38 khz

Anyway, the draggers are drawn. I need an NL-840-based Nixie clock plan, and
I need it now!

The ICs included with the Nixie tubes have the following markings:

NS8840N 122


Phil "doesn't do solid state" Nelson
Phil's Old Radios
To send me email, kindly visit
Hi Phil
I liked your story about the stocking stuffers! I just get old defunct
cordless telephones etc from my rellies - I got a whole bunch together
with a Motorola bagphone from my sister this year!!

Anyway, I also inherited a bunch of Nixie tubes - I think the same one
you have, together with the same I/C's (I recognise the SN7441) some
years ago. These were together with some pc boards (about 1x1.5inch),
and I THINK some sort of circuit for a frequency counter (not a
clock). I believe the circuit was in about a 1960's or 1970's
"Break-In" magazine (the mag of the NZART).
Unfortunately, as I have just shifted house, finding it in a hurry it
not feasible! But I will have a look around some time - hopefully I
didn't dispose of them when I moved. I also have copies of the mags
back to about 1960, so if I find time I will have a look.

Best wishes

Eric Sears ZL2BMI.