Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Need help with FM transmitter "adaptation" in photo

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If you do not live in civilization then you can do anything you want. We are civilized people on this forum.
That's effin hilarious. Ooh I'm afraid to write something on an Internet forum, about a tiny mod on a little micromitter, because the police might come and get me, and I live in SYBILIZASHUN. lol have a good day.
Do people modify their car so it can fly like a jet airplane?
Actually, yes (almost).

It is surprisingly common for people to replace the microcode in the engine control CPU to get greater acceleration curves, remove environmental components for less exhaust back pressure, etc.

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I'm just wondering if anyone has any practical advice directly on the subject at hand, about how to make it work, instead of how things don't work.
Two things.

Your statements are based on the assumption that the device you have can be modified in the way you want, and all you need is instruction. You seem to be ignoring the WAY more likely case that the device cannot be modified in the way you want.

You mention a resistor in series with the antenna in three posts. Yet, there is nothing, in the very scant information you have provided, to indicate that such a resistor actually exists in *your* device. The video is for a completely different product, almost certainly is bogus, and contributes nothing to what we need to know to give a definitive answer. (In fact, the video is a huge self-contradiction; the words he says about the mod he is making and the images of the mod are absolutely *not* the same.) There is nothing in any of the images you have posted that looks like an antenna, but we have not seen the entire product, any connecting cables, etc. It is possible that the audio input wires are being used as the antenna, but that cannot be determined from what you have provided.

Another inference is that you (and/or others) think that if a resistor is in series between a source and something else, it must be limiting the energy into that something else. While this often is the case in a DC circuit, there is a huge difference between DC circuits and field theory. RF amplifiers and antennae are designed using the Maximum Power Transfer Theorem (MPTT). It is entirely possible for a series resistor to increase the total power delivered to the antenna.

Advice #1: Don't get sucked into a spat with AG. You will lose. He has way more stamina than you think. He knows a butt-load about audio, but it often comes with a dose of half-baked ranting. Just walk away.

Advice #2: Lose the attitude. Asking for advice, and demanding the answer you want, are not the same thing. And, you went from one to the other pretty fast. You came to this forum to get advice from people who know more than you, and that is exactly what you got. Don't blame the forum for you sense of dissatisfaction.

You came here with misinformed expectations. Your base assumptions (first, that the resistor exists; second, that changing/bypassing it will increase radiated power) are at best unsupported, and almost certainly wrong.

And - this forum is way more friendly than some others. Not the best, but enough above average to matter. On <xx> you would have been shredded by now, and the thread closed and locked. Note that I am in no way condoning that behavior, and in fact push back against it when I can. But I also push back against bad manners.

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Near my home there is a huge river with a long bridge over it for cars. A student at the nearby university was driving his Ferrari sports car over the bridge as fast as it could go. At the end of the bridge the car "flew" into a light pole and burned to almost nothing.

The news said little about it until I met a friend of my daughter yesterday who said she lives next door to the deceased student whose wealthy parents in a huge country on the other side of the world bought him the house and a few sports cars.
Now the city has installed a speed detector with camera at the bridge. It has caught many speeders.

Harald Kapp

@FMA you've been given sensible advice that follows the rules of this forum. If you are not familiar with our rules, read them here.
Our members are usually experienced and helpful. If you don't like their answers, feel free to look elsewhere.
This thread is no longer leading anywhere, therefore I'll close it for further comments.
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