Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Need help making my own Arduino without buying an Arduino board

I am pretty novice when it comes to electronics, so I do not know a lot about this stuff. I know that for me, Arduino's gonna be the best, as it is the easiest to use for starters.
But the problem is, I simply cannot buy an Arduino board to burn the bootloader onto microcontrollers.
So I want to know of a way to do this with the equipment I already have.
I am including a few images below of the equipment I have already purchased.




Firstly, I do not know how to use the development board with my pc, which runs Windows 8 64 bit.
I also dont know what way to insert the microcontroller in the socket.
I want to turn the uC's into Arduinos.
What other equipment do I need?
I would not be able to buy an arduino board, anything else I'm fine. Just give me the generic names, like what you call those, not the specific brands.
Also, so I need to keep the uC plugged into the board at all times or is there something else I could do?
Sorry for the noob questions, thanks in advance


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
You can use an arduino to program the bootloader onto another ATMEGA chip to turn it into an arduino.

see here.

Note that you may need to add a resistor so that the arduino isn't reset as soon as you start to program the ATMega chip.
Thanks for the reply, but the problem is that I do not have access to an Arduino already nor would I be able to purchase one anytime soon.
Is there any other way?


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
OK, many of the simple programmers can do it as well.

I have one of these (or very similar).

This page has a lot of info.
So I need to get an AVR-ISP programmer and then attach it to my Development Board?
Is that it?
And then how do I use it?
Thanks for your help


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
The AVR-ISP programmer is attached to your PC and the arduino development environment drives it directly.

You connect the pins up appropriately to the atmega chip, select the correct parameters in the arduino environement (mostly the type of programmer, chip and boot loader required, then you tell it to load the boot loader. Some seconds later, it's done.
Maybe I'm missing something, but you can buy an Arduino Nano (clone) for less than 4$ on Ebay...

Making your own, getting something to program it,your time & parts.... It's going to be more than 4$....
Means I agree with your #10.
Trying to learn logic on one hand but failing to apply it on the other with regard to making in preference to buying at a much lower cost in time, money and space.