Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Need help diagnosing power supply issue for Panasonic sa-pt660

Hi folks, I've got an sa-pt660 panasonic 5DVD sound system that just wont power on.

I googled the issue and found a helpful discussion on and tested both the suggested thermistor (got about 4.5 ohms at room temperature (its rated 5R@88)) and the suggested cap voltage (got about 160V or close to what the guy said was normal). I would test the suggested IC but I'm not sure how. My hope is that someone here has an idea where to take this diagnosing process from where I am.

Here's the best diagram I can find

I would love any help or suggestions, thanks!!!


did you actually look on the next page ... page 32?
it has more details and specifically lots of test voltages to check

on here you are saying about 160V on the cap, but in that other page thread you were saying 103V

as the Tech said 103V is very low .... so which do you really read ?? 160 or 103 ?

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