Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Need advice on relay. (Wiring rf transmitter into burglar alarm)

hi guys.
I wonder if you can help.

I have a rf remote magnetic switch, of which I have snipped the reed out and attached a switch accross. This means when I switch the switch, it sends a signal to my Dominicz automation server, and can carry out any number of tasks.

What I would like to do, it wire this into my burglar alarm, so that when it goes off- I can have the system flash the lights etc.. And also send me a notification that the alarm is ringing. This all works with the switch, but I'm looking for advice on the best way to wire this into the alarm panel.

I'm thinking to run a (normally closed?) relay in the 12v line that goes to the siren. And then connect the other side to the rf unit I place of my regular switch.

My problem is my knowledge on relays sketchy at best. Could anyone point me in the right direction as to what sort of relay I should be using?

Many thanks.
hi guys.
I wonder if you can help.

I have a rf remote magnetic switch, of which I have snipped the reed out and attached a switch accross. This means when I switch the switch, it sends a signal to my Dominicz automation server, and can carry out any number of tasks.

What I would like to do, it wire this into my burglar alarm, so that when it goes off- I can have the system flash the lights etc.. And also send me a notification that the alarm is ringing. This all works with the switch, but I'm looking for advice on the best way to wire this into the alarm panel.

I'm thinking to run a (normally closed?) relay in the 12v line that goes to the siren. And then connect the other side to the rf unit I place of my regular switch.

My problem is my knowledge on relays sketchy at best. Could anyone point me in the right direction as to what sort of relay I should be using?

Many thanks.
A small form B or C relay with a 12 volt DC coil will work, wired in parallel with the siren, NOT in series.
Hi Jim.
Thanks for this.
And thank for the heads up on wiring in parallel.
Will let u know how I get on.
That worked a treat ..

My next challenge is to fit another switch somewhere to tell whether the alarm is armed or not, so we can tell if someone is home or not. This way, when the alarm is armed, the system knows we aren't home, so turned the lights on and of at night etc.
( currently playing with geofencing - but not working very well due to poor signal in the area. )

My current alarm panel doesn't have an "armed" light or an "unset / day" light etc...
Does anyone have any idea where I should be looking to find anything I can wire to to detect an armed state?

Otherwise, I'm thinking to get a panel with an armed light, and then attach a relay accros this light, in the same way as with the bell. Presumably, I would just get my voltmeter and test the Volts accros it, and get a relay to suit?? I'm guessing this will be quite low.

I'm kind of thinking out loud here, but if anyone has any pointers or ideas it would be much apreciated.

Also, I realise I could just have a simple separate switch next to the alarm, but I'm hoping to get it all into 1 thing, so that we don't forget to set it. :)



Hauling 10' pipe on a Trek Shift3
Sion, welcome to EP!
Can you give us the manufacturers name, model number and possibly a link to the product. In lieu or even addition to that we will probably be asking for clear photos of the guts.



Hauling 10' pipe on a Trek Shift3
I skimmed through the PDF. It's well documented and happily absent of any Chinese pigeon English. These days that's a treat! :D

Yup, it's odd that the system does not employ an "Armed" indicator!



Hauling 10' pipe on a Trek Shift3
Sion, this is going to be like shooting in the dark and it's doubtful that we'll be this lucky. Here's what I'd like you to do. Test the 24H loop with a DMM set to read Amps. Measure the loop current with the System Armed and Disarmed to see if there's a difference. Do the same with the other zones too. Note! All loop sensors must be closed when testing this.

I doubt you'll see a current difference but it's worth a shot to avoid resorting to an internal hack.

Also, meter the PIR power supply output terminals in the armed and disarmed conditions. If they turn off PIR power when disarmed, you can use that output to drive another small relay for armed signaling.

Thanks guys.
The pir's are defiantly powered when armed and in armed, as the lights always come on when u walk confront of them.
Will test anyway incase there is a difference?

I will test the 24h circuit when I get in tomorrow and let u know.
Thanks again for the help.


Hauling 10' pipe on a Trek Shift3
Also, meter the PIR power supply output terminals in the armed and disarmed conditions. If they turn off PIR power when disarmed, you can use that output to drive another small relay for armed signaling.

Actually, if the PIR pwr is disabled when disarmed that would be a perfect solution. Though my gut tells me we're going to be doing dissection on SMD!:(
Odd that there's no "Armed" indicator.
Hi guys.
Got around to testing the 24h loop today, and it remains the same armed or not :(.

It's looking like a May be a better idea just to get a panel with an armed light.?
Looking at Honeywell accenta or optima, they both have a "set" terminal, which is exactly what I'm looking for :)

For £40 I think this is probably going to be the best way forward.

Also, the little rf units are proving to not be 100% reliable, so poss looking at getting a pi face board for the pi, and wiring in to there.

Will let u know how I get on.
