Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Need advice on relay / switch

Hello Gentleman,

I need some suggestions, I am hitting road blocks trying to find the right off-the-shelf relay and/or switch. Hopefully you can help me out with a link or better define the product that I need look for.

I have a 12 volt DC power supply that connects to two electrodes. I need switch / relay (12 volts 1-1 1/2 amps) with a settable interval timer (seconds or minutes) that will switch polarity back and forth on the electrodes while it is powered.

Any idea on where I can find such product.

I was thinking that the switch should have 6 terminals, 2 for inbound power and 4 for outbound power, 2 wires (+/-) to each electrode that be switched back and forth by a timer.

Thank you for your advice.

While not totally off-the-shelf, what I would use is a DPDT relay driven by a Recycle Timer. The relay outer contacts would be wired in a cross-polarity configuration. Each of the two inner contacts would be wired to an electrode. So when the relay is idle the electrode polarity is +/- and when the relay is energized the polarity is -/+. Be sure to get relay contacts that are break-before-make or else it will short out the power supply during the transition. To drive the relay use a recycle timer such as: