Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Need advice on programming Ademco 5804 key transmitter for the Vista 15 panel


I just bought an Ademco wireless key transmitter (5804) online for use
with an Ademco Vista 15 system. I tried calling our "service provider"
to have them help me program it, but they said since I didn't purchase
it from them, they cannot help me, but they can send a subcontractor
out who will charge me about $200 to do it.

The wireless key transmitter came with a 1 page installation and setup
guide, which I have read through a few times, but it seems like it's
missing some information (or maybe I need to also have the Vista 15
installation manual in order to program this myself?)

So, my question is, can I program this myself, or am I attempting to do
something that only trained professionals should attempt? :) If this
is something that shouldn't be attempted by me, can you please tell me
how can I find someone locally who can do this for less than $200
(seems steep?)

Any help/advice you can give is greatly appreciated.



a charge of 200$ for programming a keyfob is way too much,and since the
keyfob can be programmed by remote download of the panel,this is crazy....

a 25$ for a download and programming of the keyfob would be good deal for
both the monitoring company and you...

it would be nice to tell us what company is that...I have a feeling its ADT
but I could be wrong...

check with your company when your contract end what is the minimum time you
can tell them you wont renew your contract,and if they don't want to program
the keyfob ,wait till your contract end and ask an other company to monitor
your system,they will have to reprogram parts of the data,and in the same
time they will be more then happy to program your keyfob(specify this was
the primary reason why you switch)
HAHAHHA. I ***love*** the responses from everyone. You guys are a
great help!

I will try calling back with the "I am going to cancel you" threat. It
is ADT. And I will actually be switching monitoring services once the
contract DOES expire because they are just awful. I just cancelled
them for my home monitoring service (this other service is for a hair

I definitely don't want to mess up my panel, so I will see how far I
can get with them by threatening to cancel. Wish me luck. I may be
back to post a rant ;-)

Also, if anyone has any information on how I can find a contractor that
could program the wireless key transmitter in the Northern Virginia
area, I would be most appreciative.
