Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Need advice on Logic Analyzer and Oscilloscope



I am about to set up a personal lab for a few projects I have in
mind. I need some advice about a decent and affordable logic analyzer
and an oscilloscope. Also, there seems to be some pc based anaylzers.
I have not worked with those before, any input on performance or any
other issues?

Any insights greatly appreciated.


Rich Webb

I am about to set up a personal lab for a few projects I have in
mind. I need some advice about a decent and affordable logic analyzer
and an oscilloscope. Also, there seems to be some pc based anaylzers.
I have not worked with those before, any input on performance or any
other issues?

I've had a LogicPort USB analyzer for about a year and have been very
happy with it. Vendor at and also
available through

The serial and SPI interpreters are quite handy (haven't tried the I2C
one yet).
I am about to set up a personal lab for a few projects I have in
mind. I need some advice about a decent and affordable logic analyzer
and an oscilloscope. Also, there seems to be some pc based anaylzers.
I have not worked with those before, any input on performance or any
other issues?
Any insights greatly appreciated.
Best, >A

There was a article in Nuts & Volts magazine back in 2004 on the
selection of a PC based/USB logic analyzer. The magazine doens't put
articles online, but there is a draft of the article here: