Maker Pro
Maker Pro

More bad news about that Sony rootkit


Ben Bradley

Maybe Sony should have read this first:

The effort required to enforce copyright is approaching infinity.

Encryption, the Industry counters: we will be so clever that we'll
only distribute a product that can be unlocked and used by the
customer, by the miracle of the cipher, a secret code.

The Internet was built for maximum survivability in a nuclear war.
It's everywhere, and growing exponentially. How's the hell is
Entertainment business going to keep up with that? And copyright all
you want. The Internet doesn't care; if it can be digitized and

As long as you are 'authorized'. This isn't the exact article I was
thinking of, though it's similar:
but I recall reading that the MPAA and/or RIAA want to restrict use of
analog-to-digital converters in consumer equipment. It seems like an
article from The Onion, but it was real.
Here's something on it, this story is older than I thought:

Pooh Bear

Ben said:
but I recall reading that the MPAA and/or RIAA want to restrict use of
analog-to-digital converters in consumer equipment.

They are *so* clueless it's precious.

I suppose they want to 'knobble' computer soundcards next ?



Pooh said:
I suppose they want to 'knobble' computer soundcards next ?

Probably. At least define a path in the D to A direction where the card
itself does descrambling, leaving software with no way to touch the
decoded bits. The other way around is probably also on the agenda.

"People must get used to pay for content, the era of free content is
over" is something I hear more and more from content collectors/sellers
(should we call them pirates?)


Ralph Wade Phillips


Zak said:
Probably. At least define a path in the D to A direction where the card
itself does descrambling, leaving software with no way to touch the
decoded bits. The other way around is probably also on the agenda.

Ahem. Sound Blaster Audigy.


Rich Grise

Probably. At least define a path in the D to A direction where the card
itself does descrambling, leaving software with no way to touch the
decoded bits. The other way around is probably also on the agenda.

"People must get used to pay for content, the era of free content is
over" is something I hear more and more from content collectors/sellers
(should we call them pirates?)

I guess I must be the weird one, or maybe it's just the luck of the draw
that I now live in LA county, but whenever I feel a hankering to hear
music, I just turn on the radio.

I hope "they" don't intend to take *that* away! =:-O
