Jim Thompson wrote...
No, I've liked most Texans I've known, and I have enjoyed all
of my dozen or so visits to various places in Texas. But, I
really do dislike Bush and his crowd. You should as well.
It is so interesting that the most incompetent and unwise people
tend to make strong suggestions as to what OTHER people should
think. Instead, those people who seem to complain about what other people
think should best reconsider their own defective reasoning. The
arrogance from the left (especially those who are so dishonest that
don't admit to their leftism) only helps to diminish their credibility.
It is definitely true that not all leftists (including those who don't
admit to their leftism) are incompetent, but those who make impositions
against other peoples beliefs (e.g. telling people how/what they should
think) seem to be the generally most intellectually incompetent. Perhaps
you should consider revisiting your own thinking -- even trying to
develop some political intellectual integrity instead of imposition
against others beliefs. (The saddest cases are those who show some
intellectual capacity, but lose all credibility with their leftist
and/or hateful blather.) Geesh, the ex-president who left the international
political (Korea/Saddam/etc) mess and the economy on the trajectory into a
recession, the same person who abused an underling at work, does deserve
some criticism, but NOT the same kind of misguided vehement hatred that
comes from the emotionally immature and apparent vacuous integrity of
typical Bush haters. (Al Frankenish people, and those who don't admit it.)
(The depth of Clinton hatred was only based upon his behavior -- the
Bush hatred is obviously genned up from the dishonest left, and the
mind numbed robots/those without integrity are good little followers.)
With integrity and honesty (so limited on the left), it only makes
sense to disagree with ideas, and not to make grossly general (and
essentially logically incorrect) blathering statements -- much worse
than what happened from the typical Clinton critic. (There certainly
were some vehement Clinton haters, but those don't even include Rush
Limbaugh when comparing the idiocy/limited integrity that even comes
from the Senate Democrat leader.)