Tim said:Why?
And got such good advise that there was no point in me chiming in!
We so often get folks on this group that are stuck in a narrow spot of
the entirely wrong path, that most of the regulars will, at some point,
try to make sure that you are, indeed, stuck at a narrow spot on the
_right_ path.
That behavior has certainly benefited me in the past, when I was losing
sight of the forest for the trees.
Are you actually supplying field to the generator with this boost
circuit, or are you using it to power some switch?
If you need to boost just to get field -- yes, you need to boost starting
from nothing, and go up from there.
Not sure if that is necessary here but if one ever needs to get a field
going where there is no source for a gate or base voltage anywhere there
is an often forgotten part: The depletion mode FET. Those don't only
come in small JFET varieties but also as big fat MOSFETs with rather low
Rdson values.