Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Melody generator

Best regards,
I need help to create a melody generator using pic16f1939 microcontroller. To be more precise, I need a code that would do this function.
Thanks everyone.

Harald Kapp

We will not do your homework for you. What you can expect is support to find a solution in your own way.
Start by telling or showing us what you have achieved so far and where you are stuck.
I have this record in the notes. Would anyone be able to read and digitally record the duration of individual notes and breaks.Or should someone help me with this because I am a music amateur..




There are two pieces that are repeated, I marked the start and end with think red arrows.
I also annotated what is played the first and secomd time:


If this is school work, you should probably pay attention to your class and ask the professor if you are having a hard time reading the samples. There are a lot of tutorials online that you can check to get more ideas regarding this project.
I know about that Bertus, butI have no idea how to do it.
Btw I just started working with pic microcontroller.
In fact, I'm also an amateur in programming.. :)