Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Measuring battery voltage with an MCU while charging and discharging

This is the whole circuit in KiCad. The MCU is 3.3V. I have connected the RESET pin to the MCU ground and 3.3V power supply.

Now thats bad that it cant be derived from the batteries on the left. I will have to put a separate battery and charge it from the batteries on the left?

This is the charger that I will use, it should work even when charging the batteries while they are connected in series.

Description of ABC-1220D FST:
Short-circuit Protection: Charger O / P cut-off automatically when short circuit. Overload Protection: Charger O / P current-limited automatically when overload. Reverse Polarity Protection: Charger O / P cut-off automatically when batteryreverse connection. Automatic multi-rate charging function: Equalizer Charge and Floating Charge. Parallel Operation Available: Parallel with Battery as DC Power Supply operation available. Unique LCD Display: Indicating both charger status and battery level. 3 LED Display: Red (Power On) , Green (Floating charge) and Yellow (Equalizer charge). Advanced SMD Technology: Reliable and Elegant.



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¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Why are there 4 power rails? And where do they come from?

I assume (hope) 12V and 24V power raiks are not used to charge the batteries.
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The idea was to connect the batteries in series to 2 connectors when they are discharging and separate to 2 connectors when they are charging. The charging current will not pass through the PCB, there will just be a second set of wires for the connectors.
By 4 power rails you mean what exactly, please circle it in red on the picture, at the moment thinking is not something that I can do anymore.


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
I agree. This project send to be something you can't do.

Why not start with something simpler as you learn electronics?

I not that you edited a post above to add information about the chargers, but you still haven't done the test to confirm that they have floating outputs.

Do you have a multimeter?

Do you know what a multimeter is?


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
I will have to put a separate battery and charge it from the batteries on the left?

No you can't do that because then the two power supplies wouldn't be isolated, would they?

And that circuit which you claim to be the entire circuit isn't. Oh my god you're doing my head in!!!
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I need to sleep a little bit :d. I will check the batteries when I can, for now I can't do that. I know what a multimer is. I just can not do all at the moment. Thanks for the help and we will see what will happen!

Why is it not the whole project?
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¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Why is it not the whole project?

Well it's missing the mystery 4 rail power supply for one thing.

And your mystery 4 rail power supply doesn't indicate what powers it.

And you don't show the batteries with their external connections.

And you don't show the chargers.

They are just the obvious things. Do you want me to look closer and find more?
Do not get angry, you will get wrinkles :D. I just have too much on my head at the moment and inside is like a whirpool. Everything is there, but the confidence to use it is lacking, so this causes the asking of more and more questions, until everything is certain :D.

I might use LM117 for the power supply with short circuit and ripple protection.


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
How about you read everything that's been said and take some time to develop a circuit that takes all of this stuff into account?