Eeyore said:[OT]... I'm looking for something more reliable than my rubbish 'Orange
Any suggestion?.
Well...... The whole ISP business seems to be in a state of flux with several
once well-regarded names goofing up and failing to deliver.
Do by all means take a look at The compare is very revealing.
I'd been moved to an LLU ( Tiscali ) circuit so my options were limited by the
few ISPs who currently accept LLU MACs ( the migration code that allows you to
move ISP without having to pay for 'line activation' all over again ) so I'm
going to Idnet.
Zen are also very well thought of. As seemingly are Nildram at a lower cost.
You ought to take a peek at the forums there too.
The individual forum for each ISP give some idea of what they're like to be
If Idnet is as good as it appears to be and you fancy giving them a go let me
know and I can refer you and we both get a tenner back !
Thanks for the useful info'.
For the past couple of months it's been hit and miss as to whether the
ISP allows me to connect. Only just got on now, after 5 hours of "some
of our customers may be experiencing difficulties". According to todays
paper we're now an 85% service economy. God help this country for the
I'll do some foraging based on those links.
Thanks again