Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Marx Generator Question

I know how to properly build a marx generator and its power supply. I just have one question i need answered. Is there any way to harness the power generated and use it to power a house or any application? Any advice would be appreciated.
It seems its purpose is to generate a high-voltage pulse, which can be used to generate X-rays, radar pulses, pulses for Pockels cells (laser app), pulses for CO2 TEA lasers, and ignition pulses for the conventional explosives in a nuclear weapon.

Used as a scientific display - ok, but I fail to see how this can be "harnessed" & used to power anything domestic. It would be an inefficient & noisy step no matter what.


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
I guess the point is that it doesn't actually generate any power. It stores up power over a period using capacitors in parallee then discharges it very rapidly with the capacitors in series.

You can guarantee that power out will be significantly less than power in.