Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Magnifying light voltages

Thanks Bertus. Interesting. The diopter is 125mm dia. They have a 5" one there but no way to guarantee that it will fit. The fit is quite restricted. Before I take that chance I'll rather build something with a bunch of led's
Well, interesting results.
One meter giving me DC and the other AC.
R1 330V. 23V.
R2 23V. 7.5V.
D5 23V. 7.5V.
C5 0V 7.2V.
The DC for D5, C5 and R2 was between 2.6VDC and 3.42VDC on the auto range Fluke.
I don’t think I am getting reliable results here. But I won’t lick my finger to check!
These inverters shouldn’t really be powered without a load. So I kept my tests short and sweet.

Thanks a mil Martin
That helps a lot. So R1 could be a problem. Colours green/brown/white and gold. That gives me 51MΩ. Correct?
Pretty sure I don't have that in my stash.My one dmm reads 10MΩ but got nothing else to corroberate with
Thanks Bertus
What I am trying to get around is R1 I assume is there to drop the voltage from 330 V to 23V. In my case it drops the voltage to 137V. So my reasoning says my R1's resistance is too low. But measuring it in circuit it measures about 500k. So why is it not dropping the voltage.Or could C5 be causing the trouble?



I have tried to make a "handdrawn" schematic in Kolourpaint.
Can you fill in some values?

Bushtech_CFL schematic.png

I have used this public domain sheet for the components to copy and paste:

Thats fantastic
But I'm battling to ID the components with any certainty. I have done some updating on this layout. Please can you number the components on your layout as per this sheet. I have highlighted the component numbers

PCB Bottom 71.jpg
I cant ID D5 but it reads 510 in diode mode

My apologies



Did you also identify the capacitor between the DB3 and the line 0?
It is a green one on the picture.




When I look at the schematic I made, it looks a lot like the luxtek 8W, from the site I gave on page 1:
One of the differences is that D2 is not there and there are diodes on the basises of the transistors.

I don't get the value of C7 407j ?, that would be very large.
