Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Low Cost Hardware Flaoting Point processor? whats available


Ken Smith

Not C, but VHDL...

PIC assembler...

Can you extract what you want from an C library for Atmel AVR?

Isn't the rabbits instruction set basically the same as the Z80's?

If so, I know there must be a package out there. The Synclair ZX81
computer's basic used a floating point library. Somewhere around here, I
have a disassembled listing of the 8K basic. I remember that there was a
hunk of it that was obviously in a different style and was linked in as
one solid block. It was obvious that it was a FP library.

The Real Andy

Only if a court decides so. How much money you got?

The federal court decideded not. Trust me, many company have spent a
lot of money already. The company i used to work for dropped
AUD$300,000 before it even went before the judge...