Maker Pro
Maker Pro

LED flashlights gone??



Gee, what happened to all those guys that were building LED
flashlights in Altoids tins?, Watson et al?

They were a big presence here a year or so ago.

Perhaps they started their own group?

Curious in Connecticut.

Si Ballenger

Gee, what happened to all those guys that were building LED
flashlights in Altoids tins?, Watson et al?

They were a big presence here a year or so ago.

Perhaps they started their own group?

Curious in Connecticut.

They probably decided to just go to WalMart and buy one for a
couple of bucks and move on in their lives. ;)


Yes, I know where to get flashlights.

I was jusr curious about all the whereabouts of all the experimenters.
They kept this group hopping many a cold winter night...

John E.

BFoelsch sez:
Gee, what happened to all those guys that were building LED
flashlights in Altoids tins?, Watson et al?

The Chinese influx.

Dirk Bruere at NeoPax

John said:
BFoelsch sez:

The Chinese influx.

But good, cheap, well built high intensity flashlights are still rare.
I own one a 1.5W Aurora flashlight I bought a couple of years ago for
$40. The best I've ever owned.

The latest ones look even better:

Dirk - The UK's only occult talk show
Presented by Dirk Bruere and Marc Power on ResonanceFM 104.4

James Arthur

Gee, what happened to all those guys that were building LED
flashlights in Altoids tins?, Watson et al?

They were a big presence here a year or so ago.

Perhaps they started their own group?

Curious in Connecticut.

Run off by the flames, mostly. Watson appears from time-to-time in
s.e.b., methinks, and has a flashlight building blog out there
somewhere in cyberspace.

Ahh, here it is:

Best wishes,
James Arthur

Brendan Gillatt

Gee, what happened to all those guys that were building LED
flashlights in Altoids tins?, Watson et al?

They were a big presence here a year or so ago.

Perhaps they started their own group?

Curious in Connecticut.

Hell, I'm still at it! Getting a Luxeon K2 emitter running from a
tabaco tin is amazing - its a lot brighter than the cheapo ones.

There's not much room in a tin for batteries and an current source and
the lamp though so run time is pretty limited.

Dirk Bruere at NeoPax

Brendan said:
Hell, I'm still at it! Getting a Luxeon K2 emitter running from a
tabaco tin is amazing - its a lot brighter than the cheapo ones.

There's not much room in a tin for batteries and an current source and
the lamp though so run time is pretty limited.

IMO the problem is designing a good case.
The electronics seem simple these days.

Dirk - The UK's only occult talk show
Presented by Dirk Bruere and Marc Power on ResonanceFM 104.4

Jim Yanik

Yes, I know where to get flashlights.

I was jusr curious about all the whereabouts of all the experimenters.
They kept this group hopping many a cold winter night...

IIRC,there's an online forum for LED flashlights.
....there are so many driver ICs to choose from these days.


BFoelsch said:
Gee, what happened to all those guys that were building LED
flashlights in Altoids tins?, Watson et al?

Maybe their dentists told them not to eat so many Altoids?


BFoelsch said:
Gee, what happened to all those guys that were building LED
flashlights in Altoids tins?, Watson et al?

They were a big presence here a year or so ago.

Perhaps they started their own group?

Curious in Connecticut.

How many can one build? Here you go:

+| | +| | |
--- [4.7K] [100uF] | |
| | | | /c |+
|AAA| +------+----------| [LED]
| | \e |
--- | |
| | |

Red, NPN, air core, 5/8" diameter
