Maker Pro
Maker Pro

know of any good UK internet retailers of electronic components?

ive just started teaching myself electronics as a hobby and I am already finding it to be rather expensive and a big hassle buying components from small retailers who only stock a few of the items I need.

Maplin is the closest thing ive found to a one-stop shop so far. But even they haven't had everything I've needed. And I'm not convinced they offer the best value in the world.

can anyone suggest a few uk retailers that offer a large range of stock and good value?

Haven't tried them but...

I haven't tried them yet but bitsbox looks a good place. And they accept Paypal as well...

I agree about Maplins - I was with them from the start and now think they've abandoned hobbyists and become too "entertainment" based. After all, who would pay £2.95 for a bag of 10 screws or LEDs?
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