Maker Pro
Maker Pro

I've decided to become an electronic designer as a career choice: any advice?




Academic firehose notwithstanding, my advice is to not to exclusively
limit your reading and thinking to electrical engineering. Don't
forsake art, history and philosophy, among other things. The best
engineer that I've been fortunate enough to meet managed to work some
facet of Tolstoy's, "War and Peace" into every third or so discussion.

And when you learn about impedance, for example, don't just think of
circuits and wires. Think as well about automobile transmissions and
the see-saw you played on as a kid. If you make a game of envisioning
EE principles in wider contexts then engineering ideas will occur to
you in the most unlikely places: perhaps while playing with a blade of
grass or watching a Heron land in a marsh.

Generally speaking, this is my best advice to a young man.

"Choose a wife by your ear, not by your eye."

Remember this. No, not because you'll heed it. You won't. Remember it
so that when you're gray and balding, you'll also have the best of all
advice to offer a young man.


Jim Thompson


"Choose a wife by your ear, not by your eye."

Good advice, although I also recommend checking out the mother of the
wife-to-be. If you like her also you're good to go.

...Jim Thompson

Pooh Bear

Jim said:

"Choose a wife by your ear, not by your eye."

Good advice, although I also recommend checking out the mother of the
wife-to-be. If you like her also you're good to go.

Good advice.

Mums and daughters are sometimes scarily ( but pleasantly ) similar.


Don Lancaster

Mike said:

The best
engineer that I've been fortunate enough to meet managed to work some
facet of Tolstoy's, "War and Peace" into every third or so discussion.

"War and Peace" was about Russia.
That is all you need to know about it.

Many thanks,

Don Lancaster voice phone: (928)428-4073
Synergetics 3860 West First Street Box 809 Thatcher, AZ 85552
rss: email: [email protected]

Please visit my GURU's LAIR web site at

Bob Agnew

Make sure that you have a fall back second career choice; e.g. shoe
salesman, etc. I speak from experience (not all good.)

P.S. I minored in Philosophy. This did not turn out to be a wise second
career choice.

Jim Thompson

Make sure that you have a fall back second career choice; e.g. shoe
salesman, etc. I speak from experience (not all good.)

P.S. I minored in Philosophy. This did not turn out to be a wise second
career choice.

My oldest daughter got her degree in Psychology.

Started out in banking, working her way up to a VP at B of A.

Then she became an executive in Girl Scouts.

Now she's Director of United Way (a charity, for those of you outside
the states) and is also Chairperson of the Republican Party in Yuma
County, Arizona.

You never know... just go with the flow ;-)

...Jim Thompson

Tim Williams

Bob Agnew said:
P.S. I minored in Philosophy. This did not turn out to be a wise
second career choice.

Heh heh. My physics prof likes to make the joke about creative writing
majors working at McDonald's. ;-) This at a liberal arts college...


Spehro Pefhany


"Choose a wife by your ear, not by your eye."

Good advice, although I also recommend checking out the mother of the
wife-to-be. If you like her also you're good to go.

...Jim Thompson

It seemed to work for Benjamin Braddock.

Best regards,
Spehro Pefhany

Rich The Philosopher

Make sure that you have a fall back second career choice; e.g. shoe
salesman, etc. I speak from experience (not all good.)

P.S. I minored in Philosophy. This did not turn out to be a wise second
career choice.

Hey, it works for me!


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Mike said:
Generally speaking, this is my best advice to a young man.

"Choose a wife by your ear, not by your eye."

Eh? Care to elaborate on this? My wife's singing voice is not
remarkable, but I'm happy with my choice anyway :)

The Real Andy

On Tue, 15 Nov 2005 10:18:26 -0800, "RST Engineering \(jw\)"

I meant the lab STARTED late in the afternoon. When it ends is up to you.

Pizza delivery and Jolt Cola are your friend.




I liked it when MIT went to Tuesdays and Thursdays as laboratory days.
You could choose morning or afternoon... I always chose afternoon, in
case things went bad you could recover ;-)

Amazing how I used to live on 2 hours of sleep each night ;-)

...Jim Thompson

Try doing it as a part time mature age (I was 21-22) student. I would
do my best at trying to talk anyone out of it, it actually makes you
got mentally insane. I speak from experience.

I was 22 when I graduated. I don't recall needing more sleep until I
was well into my thirties.

...Jim Thompson

I was fortunate enough to have a company sponsor me when I studied.
But working 8+ hours a day (usually more to impress the boos), then 3
hours on campus + home study time, plus clean the house time, + cook
dinnner time + do the washing time...... It all adds up to much like
nil sleep. The the wife gets pissed cause you dont spand any time with

Phil Hobbs

Jim said:
Good advice, although I also recommend checking out the mother of the
wife-to-be. If you like her also you're good to go.

...Jim Thompson
Right, but watch carefully how she treats her husband. She might be
nice to other people.


Phil Hobbs

Jim Thompson

Right, but watch carefully how she treats her husband. She might be
nice to other people.


Phil Hobbs


I also observed that her mom, at age 40, was still "arousing" ;-)

...Jim Thompson

Paul Burridge

Surgeon, looking at plumber's bill: "!?!!! I don't get that much for
Plumber: "Neither did I, when I was a surgeon."

Hehe! You're not saying the same peculiar situation as we have here in
Britain pertains in the US, are you, Rich? Seriously??

Paul Burridge

Remember this. No, not because you'll heed it. You won't. Remember it
so that when you're gray and balding, you'll also have the best of all
advice to offer a young man.

Thanks for the advice, Mike. And since I'm already grey and balding it
won't be too hard - even for me - to remember to pass it on!

Rich, Under the Affluence

Hehe! You're not saying the same peculiar situation as we have here in
Britain pertains in the US, are you, Rich? Seriously??

OK, you've gone and pulled my stopper. So, here's an anecdote, since
I'm feeling gregarious. Should have signed, "Richard the Lubricated." ;-)

Anyways, here's the thing.

In this shop, there are two toilets, back-to-back. Evidently, they share
a waste drain out to the plug thingie (whatever you call that access
port), so when the clog is between the "Y" and the sewer, when you plunge
one toilet, all it does is make the water in the other toilet splash up
and down. So, we had to call a plumber. Both of the toilets were full
of water, so as soon as the plumber opened the plug, water (and whatever)
would come out in abundance. I got volunteered to squat next to the
plumber, with a shop-vac, to vacuum up the water that got released when
he unscrewed the plug.

When he got the plug open far enough, it started producing shit. I said
something like, "Ooh, feh, this is disgusting!" and the plumber looks
me in the eye, points at this shit that was extruding from this opening,
and said, "This is my bread and butter!"

I threw up.


Paul Burridge

When he got the plug open far enough, it started producing shit. I said
something like, "Ooh, feh, this is disgusting!" and the plumber looks
me in the eye, points at this shit that was extruding from this opening,
and said, "This is my bread and butter!"

It's true though, Rich. The price of these guys really goes up
big-time when they have to deal with blocked toilets.

Tim Wescott

Rich said:
OK, you've gone and pulled my stopper. So, here's an anecdote, since
I'm feeling gregarious. Should have signed, "Richard the Lubricated." ;-)

Anyways, here's the thing.

In this shop, there are two toilets, back-to-back. Evidently, they share
a waste drain out to the plug thingie (whatever you call that access
port), so when the clog is between the "Y" and the sewer, when you plunge
one toilet, all it does is make the water in the other toilet splash up
and down. So, we had to call a plumber. Both of the toilets were full
of water, so as soon as the plumber opened the plug, water (and whatever)
would come out in abundance. I got volunteered to squat next to the
plumber, with a shop-vac, to vacuum up the water that got released when
he unscrewed the plug.

When he got the plug open far enough, it started producing shit. I said
something like, "Ooh, feh, this is disgusting!" and the plumber looks
me in the eye, points at this shit that was extruding from this opening,
and said, "This is my bread and butter!"

I threw up.

So did you vacuum up the barf when you were done?

Richard the Dreaded Libertarian

It's true though, Rich. The price of these guys really goes up
big-time when they have to deal with blocked toilets.

Well, the money's great, but I wouldn't last at a job that not only
makes me throw up, but there's no place to throw up into, because
the toilet's blocked. #-/


Rich, Under the Affluence

So did you vacuum up the barf when you were done?

Actually, I didn't actually throw up, I only thought I was going to -
I felt my gorge rise, I handed the guy the wand of the shop-vac that
I thought I would be vacumming up water with, and ran, but by the time
I got outside, I was able to hold it back - I was out of the smell and
didn't see it any more. I also almost threw up when I tried some
menudo once, and I bit down on a big chunk of fat, but it turned out it
wasn't fat, it was tripe. BARF!
