Maker Pro
Maker Pro

It's only polite I introduce myself!

Hi everyone,
I am fairly new around here and have already made a first post (question!) in the Circuit help area.
I am also fairly new at electronics but like to keep dabbling with bits and pieces, but due to my job and experience, this has mainly been with microcontrollers (Arduino, .net Duino and the such, but no PIC's (yet ;)).
I work for a large IT Company as a 2nd/3rd line technical support engineer.

I am working on getting Cisco accredited and have a project in mind to go along with this.


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Welcome to Electronics point Mark.

Looks like you're getting assistance on that thread you started.


hi ya Mark

welcome to Electronics Point, good to have you aboard. I'm not a micro guy myself but there's a few on here that are :)

Certainly have, and will be posting more questions as I got along with my project!

I know this isn't the place to ask question but what is the feeling on Arduinos and the such around here? I know some groups/forums frown on them whereas others embrace their use.
I may be asking questions on recommended boards with suitable I/O pins and processing power later on ;)

Harald Kapp

Welcome to the forum, Mark.

Neither do we frown upon Arduinos nor do we have a special section for them.
Have a question about programming? Go to the "microcontrollers and programming" forum.
Have a question about an interface circuit? Probably the "circuit help" forum is the right one.
Want to show off a project of yours? Go to the "project logs" forum.

You may also be interested in our "ressources" for some basic information.

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Certainly have, and will be posting more questions as I got along with my project!

I know this isn't the place to ask question but what is the feeling on Arduinos and the such around here? I know some groups/forums frown on them whereas others embrace their use.
I may be asking questions on recommended boards with suitable I/O pins and processing power later on ;)

I'll tell you Once I get my Nano working. The installation of the USB drivers are a nightmare, I have logged a tech support question but have not heard anything yet. Tried allsorts but just can't load the sketch.