Maker Pro
Maker Pro

How do you introduce your technical experience

.How do you introduce your technical experience

I need to prepare a precise introduction for embedded software engineer.

I have experience in following

uC - PIC, AVR, ARM, Arduino
Programming - C, embedded c
Tools - Atmel studio, MPLAB,
Protocol - Uart, i2C, SPI, TCP/ IP
Project - Metal Detector, Fire Alarm

I have 1 year experience in software development. I have knowledge of PIC, AVR, ARM, Arduino. I am Profficent in c language. I have work experience with IDEs Atmel studio, MPLAB
kind of like the programming part which wouldn't exist without a basic knowledge of electronics-
EBCDIC-Assembler-C C++, ASP, HTML VRML and of course the infamous BASIC where it all started but never returned too...
and I can solder!!
uh the 8088? Pentium? let me see... transistors?
Ok I will quit picking on you! EP hosts = 'the guys that brought back tube amps!"