Maker Pro
Maker Pro

ipod fell in pool

it only got half wet, but still the visual started to go crazy. i removed the batteries and later bathed it in isopropyl alcohol for ten minutes(of jiggling) then set it on something very warm(protected by cloths) for a half hour. today i read something that said i should have used distilled water, then heat. i also read, and did the act if putting it in the sun in a sealed jar of rice to suck the remaining moistue out. will the solder corrode and ruin it eventually?
Isopropyl alcohol is a good remedy for sweet-water rescues, it's electronics-safe, it absorbs water, and then you shake it off - and the rest evaporates quickly. Don't exeed 70 deg C by all means, better to keep it at 45 deg C & spend more time; a day or two. If you are able to open it up (& use compressed air) - all the better. A very closed case will take a long time to dry out.
The amount of damage depends on the time it spends in a water-wet state with battery power present.
If salt water is encountered then sweet water is the only way to wash away the salt, isopropyl won't do it. Then use isopropyl after the sweet water.
Distilled water is best of course but harder to get in the short time you have at your disposal.
If some salt remains then problems may occur later, in particular in damp weather.
I guess your case will turn out ok, even in the long run.
it turned out ok

i was able to google disassembly pointers then use a pencil eraser on the board contacts. now it works like new. thanks.
it only got half wet, but still the visual started to go crazy. i removed the batteries and later bathed it in isopropyl alcohol for ten minutes(of jiggling) then set it on something very warm(protected by cloths) for a half hour. today i read something that said i should have used distilled water, then heat. i also read, and did the act if putting it in the sun in a sealed jar of rice to suck the remaining moistue out. will the solder corrode and ruin it eventually?

Do not use alcohol dumb idea it evapores at room temperature leaving behind more water. I instead suggest dissasamble it as much as you can remove the battery for sure then women air dryer at low heat 16 " away and blow dry it. . after that there are chemicals that you can use to remove chlorine dirt whatever CHEMTRONICS FLUX REMOVER i sugest Saved my phones actualy twice.
Neon's correct...however, I've recovered several electronic gadgets which have fallen into, toilets, pools, etc. I've found that taking the battery out immediately, then spraying the instrument with a displacing, non-wetting Tech-Spray is the best, as it is under pressure, yet displaces both the atmosphere AND any residual water whether condensate or toilet. Make absolutely certain that the instrument is dry. Good luck...