Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Fixing iPod Video

I have an iPod video that needed a replacement battery due to it not holding a charge and only working while the iPod was plugged into an outlet or computer.

After the first replacement the iPod seemed to be working fine, the battery had almost a full charge and the iPod worked for a short while. After coming back after the weekend the iPod refused to turn on with or without external power. i have tried another battery and the same events occurred.

The connections between the board and the battery are good. What else should be looked into to solve the issue?
I have an iPod video that needed a replacement battery due to it not holding a charge and only working while the iPod was plugged into an outlet or computer.

After the first replacement the iPod seemed to be working fine, the battery had almost a full charge and the iPod worked for a short while. After coming back after the weekend the iPod refused to turn on with or without external power. i have tried another battery and the same events occurred.

The connections between the board and the battery are good. What else should be looked into to solve the issue?
The biggest problem you will have is that these things are not really meant to be serviceable past a certain point...
First and foremost, take a close look at the board to make certain you didn't do any damage with the soldering iron during the repair. Also pay close attention to any solder splashes or droplets that may have landed on the board.

What were the sources of external power? USB charger, Dock, or Computer?
Depending on the fault.. the iPod could short the source. Always be careful powering faulty equipment. If you are certain there is not major short that could damage the source, I would encourage you to plug it into the PC to see if there is any response on the computer. This could help indicate further what the problem may be... if it is recognised as any sort of USB device then we know there is at least partial life.

Other than that, the only path you can take is following the traces from the battery through the various components to see if perhaps a regulator or any passive components in between died. What kind of experience do you have with a multi-meter?