Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Increasing speed of Opamp used as Comparator



To-Email- said:
Jim said:
Jim Thompson wrote:


I have one younger brother who has been married something like eight
times, and he has been sooooo taken to the cleaners with $100k/month
support payments. Anyone who gets married these days is a fool.

No, anyone who divorces that many times is a fool.
14.9 for us.

If you include those who were married eight times, maybe. If you
look at the first marriage, most still last a lifetime.
Plunging into marriage without a clue that's there's more to a
marriage than "convenient" sex.

I guess maybe! ;-) If you want convenient sex, get friendly with
a whore. If that's all there is, it's cheaper.

John Larkin

I guess maybe! ;-) If you want convenient sex, get friendly with
a whore. If that's all there is, it's cheaper.

"The expense is damnable, the position is ridiculous, and the pleasure

- Samuel Johnson


Fred Bloggs

John said:
A lot more. Married people are healthier, happier, less likely to get
depressed, have higher incomes, live longer, have more sex and less
STDs, and get to spend more time with their kids.

Eat a lot better, too, I bet.


Maybe if you go back to early 20th or late 19th century but not any
more. The young females of today are lazy, unskilled, spoiled
narcissists unfit for womanhood. Their idea of cooking is ordering pizza
or fried chicken out, or maybe throwing something in the microwave. And
they're too good to do menial labor such as cleaning the house. Anyone
who marries into something like that needs their head examined. This
modern generation is unfit to be bred with dogs.

Jim Thompson

Maybe if you go back to early 20th or late 19th century but not any
more. The young females of today are lazy, unskilled, spoiled
narcissists unfit for womanhood. Their idea of cooking is ordering pizza
or fried chicken out, or maybe throwing something in the microwave. And
they're too good to do menial labor such as cleaning the house. Anyone
who marries into something like that needs their head examined. This
modern generation is unfit to be bred with dogs.

Fred, You need to find a new crowd to hang out with.

Or maybe your problem is that you're looking for a mate who will
"mother" you ?:)

...Jim Thompson

John Larkin

Maybe if you go back to early 20th or late 19th century but not any
more. The young females of today are lazy, unskilled, spoiled
narcissists unfit for womanhood. Their idea of cooking is ordering pizza
or fried chicken out, or maybe throwing something in the microwave. And
they're too good to do menial labor such as cleaning the house. Anyone
who marries into something like that needs their head examined. This
modern generation is unfit to be bred with dogs.

Whoa, you do hate women. No wonder you think you insult me by calling
me girls' names.


Fred Bloggs

John said:
Whoa, you do hate women. No wonder you think you insult me by calling
me girls' names.


I do not hate women at all and actually prefer them as coworkers and/or
professional associates.

Jim Thompson

I do not hate women at all and actually prefer them as coworkers and/or
professional associates.

Then why do you use "woman" and "Mary" as slurs ???

...Jim Thompson

Fred Bloggs

Jim said:
Fred, You need to find a new crowd to hang out with.

Or maybe your problem is that you're looking for a mate who will
"mother" you ?:)

...Jim Thompson

Haha- I am well beyond "mating" age, and who says you need to be married
to reproduce:)

Fred Bloggs

Jim said:
Then why do you use "woman" and "Mary" as slurs ???

...Jim Thompson

Those were just little barbs put to JL. I apologize to the women and
Mary's who may have been offended by that abusive application:)

Jim Thompson

Haha- I am well beyond "mating" age, and who says you need to be married
to reproduce:)

That's a scary thought... dozens of little Bloggs.

Fortunately, with your biases, all you can get are whores, so the
damage will be slight ;-)

...Jim Thompson

Fred Bloggs

Jim said:
That's a scary thought... dozens of little Bloggs.

Only one registered female offspring... and not by any "whore."
Fortunately, with your biases, all you can get are whores, so the
damage will be slight ;-)

...Jim Thompson

Right- you have no idea of all the mothers who have tried to get me
interested in their daughters in my lifetime, it was a constant.

Michael A. Terrell

Fred said:
This modern generation is unfit to be bred with dogs.

So, that's why you can't even get a date?

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida

John Larkin

Maybe if you go back to early 20th or late 19th century but not any
more. The young females of today are lazy, unskilled, spoiled
narcissists unfit for womanhood. Their idea of cooking is ordering pizza
or fried chicken out, or maybe throwing something in the microwave. And
they're too good to do menial labor such as cleaning the house. Anyone
who marries into something like that needs their head examined. This
modern generation is unfit to be bred with dogs.


John Larkin

Those were just little barbs put to JL.

You upset and offend me not at all. But you do give us insight about
yourself, and it's not very nice.


Fred Bloggs

John said:
You upset and offend me not at all. But you do give us insight about
yourself, and it's not very nice.


You don't know anything about me and shouldn't even be allowed to use
the word "insight." Your so-called insight is faux.

Fred Bloggs

John said:

I read that story some time ago, it is just a statistic and you tell me
nothing new. A more interesting one is that the males who are good are
*way* better than the females who are good, the female distribution
tends to have significantly less deviation. And don't even try to infer
that I am some kind of male supremacist, with all your other idiotic
stereotypes, because I shun dumb women and prefer intelligent women- the
smarter the better. Actually I shun dumb people of any gender:)