Maker Pro
Maker Pro

In line switch with led indicator

I am a musician and have used and made simple repairs and adaptations to PA and guitar amps , mostly signal cables and switches, but beyond simple soldering and the like I have no experience. I am using an iPod through a PA to play drum tracks during live performances. Selecting tracks between songs the audience can hear the clicks from the iPod as I scroll through track titles and it doesn't sound very professional. I wonder if it is possible to put a switch in the cable from the iPod to the amp so that I can mute the iPod at these times. I would need the switch to have an led indicator so that it would be obvious whether it was live or muted. The stage in a live gig is often a very dark environment and I don't want to have to depend on memory or touch when I go to start a drum track. I realise the led will need power but if I put a battery in the circuit, what will it do the audio signal? Thanks in anticipation of some tips!
Try a double pole double throw switch; one set of contacts branch for the LED indication from 9V and the other set of contacts branch of the switch to ground the audio line for muting.
Thanks for that guys - would it be too cheeky to ask for a quick diagram? The lead from the iPod has 2 phono plugs at the mixer end, so was thinking a small project box with the phonos in, the switch, led and the battery in the middle and either a stereo mini jack socket or another pair of phonos out to the mixer?
If stereo :

Ipod L. channel >-------------------------. /.---------------------------------------------------> Mixer L.
Ipod R. channel >-------------------------. \.---------------------------------------------------> Mixer R.

9V Bat(+)--------------------------------------./ .-----------\/\/\/\--------------|>|-----------Bat(-)

The resistor \/\/\/\ should be around 680 Ω.
All switches move simoultaneously. In one position, mixer side L & R are grounded to G as drawn. In the other position, mixer side L & R are connected to L & R ipod respectively and ground G left open.

The switch may look like

For monophonic;

Ipod audio >-------------------------. \.---------------------------------------------------> Mixer in.

9V Bat(+)--------------------------------------./ .-----------\/\/\/\--------------|>|-----------Bat(-)

And the switch may look like :
----> to on off switch-500x500-500x500.jpeg
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An ordinary switch is designed for 120VAC/5A electricity, not low voltage and low current audio. Its contacts are silver for 5A and they soon tarnish and rely on the high voltage and high current to burn away the tarnish. With audio the silver contacts soon tarnish then do not work.

Switches made for low level audio have gold plated contacts because gold does not tarnish. The gold is thin (high voltage or current will burn the gold away) so the switch costs the same as with silver contacts.