Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Seek device to close switch when phone line in use


Phil Allison

" Ivor Autistic Fuckwit Jones"

** Have a vile death - ASAP.

...... Phil

Ivor Jones

In Phil Allison <[email protected]> typed, for some strange, unexplained

: " Ivor Autistic Fuckwit Jones"

That's an interesting statement. You base your opinion of me on what,
precisely..? One Usenet post..? Interesting.
: ** Have a vile death - ASAP.

Am I supposed to respond by behaving in the same way you do..?

I note you haven't actually answered any questions posed in a reasonable



John said:
Do you guys still have analog service, or is it ISDN?

That would be analog phone but with a digital interface at the 'exchange'
(company office) for dial-up 56k use. Checking loop current with a
sensitive relay would do it.


Chris Davies

"By using this telephone you agree that your conversation will be recorded
by the owner of this equipment. [...]

Phil Allison said:
** That is utterly INSANE CRAP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Actually, no it's not. It's one of the reasons that (AFAIK) call centres
here in the UK are legally required to provide phones for staff that
are not (and cannot be) recorded.

Whether it's useful advice for you in your context, only you can decide,
as you haven't provided all the details. However, as this is usenet you're
likely to get different suggestions with different perspectives. One
might be useful to you.
