Maker Pro
Maker Pro

I'm Back- sort of

Now that we have this circuit working, I am going to rebuild it from scratch; only because I was modifying it along the way, as we adjusted the circuit, and, as a consequence, it was not as tidy as I would have liked.

Before I do the rebuild, I just want to make double sure that I am working from the right schematic. This is the one we landed on right AG? The one at post #165 called preamp.png. correct?
The opamp circuit in post #165 has no distortion diodes so its massive gain of 221 times will cause 7V peak-to-peak squarewaves at the 1uF capacitor output. if the opamp is in a pedal at the guitar and connects to an audio cable then it needs a 100 ohms resistor on series between the 1uF output capacitor and the cable.
Diodes in the feedback loop will reduce the gain, reduce the output level to about 1.2V peak-to-peak and produce different-sounding squarewaves.

Don't you still want the gain adjustment, tone control and volume control in the other thread?


  • opamp again.png
    opamp again.png
    375.7 KB · Views: 6
You're right. I should,d have been clearer. I am working from the two schematics you just put up in your last post- which is what I was working from last time.