Good day, folks. I was wondering if you could help me out with a
little research here. I'm a bit new to electronics in general and I
don't know exactly where to look for this kind of information.
The case in point is the playstation 2 gaming console.
Specifically, I need to find out what that is, the tiny black piece
there. A resistance or something? I need some specs because I have a
broken PS2 with that part missing. I was wondering if it could be
replaced by something similar.
Either way, I'm interested in all the resource sites and whatnot about
this sort of thing. Any ideas?
little research here. I'm a bit new to electronics in general and I
don't know exactly where to look for this kind of information.
The case in point is the playstation 2 gaming console.
Specifically, I need to find out what that is, the tiny black piece
there. A resistance or something? I need some specs because I have a
broken PS2 with that part missing. I was wondering if it could be
replaced by something similar.
Either way, I'm interested in all the resource sites and whatnot about
this sort of thing. Any ideas?